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分類:初三作文  字數:300字  編輯:pp958

introducemyself(two) 標籤:introduce作文 myself作文 remember作文 succe作文

I  like  studying  English  in

  school,I  think  it


  easy  to

  understand . My  school  report  in

  English  is  very

  good  .So, my  English  likes me ,she

  always  lends  me


  books  what

  I  use  .  My  favoerte  sporte  is  sleep  ,ha~ I  am a very  lazy  girl , If I can not campaign, I would never campaign .I  like  make  friends  with

  everyone. So,  I have lots  of  friends ,I  love  them ,and  they

  love  me ,too. Do  want  to

  know  more  with me ?  Do  you  want

  to  make  friends  with  me ?Please  tell  me .  I  believe we  will  be  best  friends  , do  you  think

  so  ?

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