分類:六年級作文 字數:100字 編輯:小景
mynetfriend 標籤:my friend作文 myfriend作文 myfriends作文 internet作文
I have a netfriend.Her net name is DouDouFei.We often talk with each other on computer or in chatroom.Sometimes we talk in English.Because it can improve our English.But she types very fast.I type so slow.I am a new hand.She doesn”t wait a little.
This is my netfriend.What about you?
mynetfriend 作文推薦:
mynetfriend 暫無評論相關作文
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- ·mybestfriend100字
- ·mybestfriend100字
- ·mybestfriend100字
- ·mybestfriend100字
- ·mybestfriend100字
- ·mybestfriend100字
- ·mybestfriend100字
- ·mybestfriend100字
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- ·mygoodfriend200字
- ·mygoodfriend200字
- ·mygoodfriend200字
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- ·mygoodfriend100字
- ·mygoodfriend100字
- ·mygoodfriend100字
- ·mygoodfriend100字
- ·mygoodfriend100字
- ·mygoodfriend100字
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