my family_250字
分類:初一作文 字數:250字 編輯:pp958
my family 標籤:myfamily作文 my family作文 lonely作文 family作文
I have a big family—my grandfather ,my father ,my mother ,my aunt, my cousins and I.
My grandfather is very old. He has already retired now. My father is a boss. He has a small Design company. He loves me very much. My mother is a manager of administration and office director. She helps her boss management company. She loves me, too. My aunt and my uncle have a small to fit up the company. They have two children, are my cousins my aunt, my uncle and my cousins have not lived with us together. They live in Australia. Certainly have me. I am 13 years old. I like swimming and play basketball. I am a student in grade seven now.
I have a happy family!
I love a family!
my family 作文推薦:
my family 暫無評論
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