分類:六年級作文 字數:200字 編輯:小景
roomisinmyhouse 標籤:inmyhouse作文 myhouse作文 myroom作文 mybedroom作文
Room in my house
This is a living room, there is Tv, a lamp, a couch, a table, a book, a chair, and picture in the living room.
This is a bedroom, there is bed closet lamp dresees book window door chair computer and piano.
This is a kitchen. There is table towel dishes stove sink window refrigerator. We cook on the stove. We wash dishes in the sink.
Here’s the bathroom. The bathtub shower toilet sink toothbrush shoes towel and closet are in the bathroom. We take a bath and take a shower in the bathtub.
This is my house. L love my house.
roomisinmyhouse 作文推薦:

roomisinmyhouse 暫無評論
- ·amouseinmyhouse100字
- ·roomsinmyhouse200字
- ·roomsinmyhouse200字
- ·roomsinmyhouse200字
- ·roomsinmyhouse300字
- ·roomsinmyhouse300字
- ·roomsinmyhouse300字
- ·roomsinmyhouse200字
- ·roomsinmyhouse200字
- ·roomsinmyhouse300字
- ·roomsinmyhouse400字
- ·roomsinmyhouse400字
- ·roomsinmyhouse400字
- ·roomsinmyhouse200字
- ·roominmyhouse200字
- ·roomisinmyhouse200字
- ·roomsismyhouse200字
- ·iloveinmyhouse100字
- ·inmyhouse200字
- ·myhouseisverygoo100字
- ·myhousehold100字
- ·what should we d250字
- ·find the cause f300字
- ·themouseinthecla100字
- ·welcometomyhome100字
- ·ilivemyhouse200字
- ·ilovemyhouse100字
- ·myhouse200字
- ·myhouse100字
- ·myhouse100字
- ·roominmyhouse200字
- ·inmyhouse200字
- ·iloveinmyhouse100字
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