分類:初一作文 字數:200字 編輯:小景
godcan”tblessyou 標籤:goodbye作文 happiness作文 iloveyou作文 loveyou作文
In our lives,we can hear"Don”t worry about it,god may bless you!”anytime.To me,I think god can”t bless you or me.
In fact,there isn”t a god on earth or in heaven,but many people belivf that there is a god in heaven.
In the world,there are lots of churches and god-fathers.If people are sick,they always go to church to have a talk with god.If you put your heart into it.The god-father will say:"God may bless you.”So many sick people will see the god,but in heaven.
So I think they are so foolish.And I want to tell to all the people:"God can”t bless you,and you are the god.”
godcan”tblessyou 作文推薦:

godcan”tblessyou 暫無評論
- ·godcan”tblessyou200字
- ·godblessyou500字
- ·初三英語作文:don”tletc300字
- ·don”tcountyourch300字
- ·don”tbenervous(別900字
- ·don”tsaygoodbye700字
- ·捉迷(mí)藏(cáng)349字
- ·don”tbeafraid(題記200字
- ·don”tbeafraid(一)400字
- ·初二英語作文:ablessing300字
- ·[please,don”tgiv1793字
- ·初一英語作文:timedoesn100字
- ·多啦a夢imissyou600字
- ·maybeimissyou500字
- ·imissyou---送給我的妹300字
- ·missyou100字
- ·imissyou1200字
- ·colourless kalei1900字
- ·do your best, yo100字
- ·lovesyou,neverre800字
- ·birthdayblessing800字
- ·bless200字
- ·agoodbookisagood200字
- ·agoodteacher,ago400字
- ·how do you think500字
- ·a good habit, 250字
- ·2015 classmates,150字
- ·goodchina!700字
- ·小學英語作文:i don”t l450字
- ·don”tcry之勇氣1100字
- ·四季之末700字
- ·生活、這張網400字
- ·盼400字
- ·夏之隨想600字
- ·友誼100字
- ·淺漾1300字
- ·情逝300字
- ·藏在四季的秘密1300字
- ·品菊900字
- ·筍800字
- ·人生得意須盡歡800字
- ·窮心與富心100字
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