分類:高一作文 字數:350字 編輯:小景
Ladies and Gentle men. I am honored to deliver a speech here about the importance of working hard. Diligence is vital to our success in the society, as it sharpens the skill you needed to be success and it helps you to stand out in the crowd. When I was in grade 10, I did not work hard, because I thought school was easy and I didn”t have to work hard to get a good grades. I thought I was quite a genius indeed. However, when I entered grade 11, things start getting more and more difficult, and I started to acquire the habit of hard-woking by doing my homework every night, and preview school materials before school starts. Quite surprisingly, not only did I pass those difficult course, but also got a decent mark. Therefore, hard woking is the way to discover what your potentials are and use them to your benefit. I would continue to work diligently and hopefully to achieve greatness in the future.
高一英語作文:用功是重要的 作文推薦:

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