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分類:六年級作文  字數:400字  編輯:小景

My best friend is a good student because he is very hardworking.I learn a lot from him.He helps me with math;I help him with English.We always help each other.besides that,he”s honest and reliable. 

  My best friend is also loyal and brave.Once when a bully teased me,he came to my rescue right away.He always remembers my birthday and he is fun to be We tells funny jokes and stories.He always makes me laugh.Finally,he is a very good listener and he knows how to cheer me up when I”m down. 

  My best friend, I Like her. I hope we”ll stay friends forever. 


  我最好的朋友是一個好學生,因為她非常勤勞.我學到很多東西.她幫助我數學;我幫她英文.我們總是互相幫助其他人.除了 ,她的誠實和信任可靠.她完全與我們分享秘密的全部時間.  



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