分類:六年級作文 字數:300字 編輯:小景
seasons 標籤:seasons作文 season作文 theseason作文 song作文
Spring is beautiful. I like spring. In spring, I can sing a song. The flowers are beautiful. Butterfly is on the flower. The grass is green. I Spring has many flowers. The friends like flowers. I can go to the park and play with the friends.
Summer is hot. Let’s go to the beach. The beach is hot. The sun is red and big and hot. I eat some ice-creams. I play with water and swim. I pick up shells because the shells are very beautiful. I sit under the umbrella. I play with the sand . The tree is hot,too. I love summer!
Winter is cold. Let’s play the snowball and make snowman. The snowman is big . I like to play snowball. I am on the snow. The snow is cold. I have a scarf and coat. So I am not cold. I like the Christmas. Because I can see santa clus in Christmas . Christmas tree is beautiful. The presents are on the Christmas tree. I like winter. Do you like winter?
seasons 作文推薦:
- ·thefourseasons300字
- ·seasons200字
- ·theseasons200字
- ·fourseasons300字
- ·differentseasons200字
- ·seasons300字
- ·seasons300字
- ·beautifulfoursea100字
- ·thefourseasons100字
- ·fourseasons100字
- ·fourseasons200字
- ·songofseasons100字
- ·seasons200字
- ·小升初英語作文four seas200字
- ·seasons200字
- ·fourseasonsinwuh100字
- ·seasons200字
- ·fourseasons200字
- ·fourseasons300字
- ·thefourseasons400字
- ·changingseasons100字
- ·fourseasons200字
- ·thefourseasons600字
- ·seasons600字
- ·seasons300字
- ·fourseasons100字
- ·seasons100字
- ·seasons300字
- ·seasons100字
- ·fourseasonsinyan200字
- ·seasons200字
- ·seasons200字
- ·seasons100字
- ·seasons100字
- ·seasons100字
- ·fourseasonsinyan200字
- ·fourseasonsinwuh100字
- ·fourseasons200字
- ·fourseasons100字
- ·fourseasons200字
- ·differentseasons200字
- ·chinese’sseasons200字
- ·一年級英語作文:springis100字
- ·初三英語作文:springino300字
- ·thespringfestiva100字
- ·賽前作文 嚴厲的媽媽作文
- ·青萍作文 三峽作文
- ·沙棗作文 掉牙記作文
- ·遊玩記作文 獨角戲作文
- ·彩虹作文 我們愛祖國作文
- ·發生在作文
- ·紅色經典讀後感
- ·蹺蹺板作文
- ·快樂的平安夜作文
- ·哥們作文500字
- ·感悟母愛作文
- ·女生作文1000字 我自己作文150字
- ·書香作文700字 我的夜作文
- ·美麗的雪花作文 感冒作文100字
- ·包包子作文 同學之間作文800字
- ·我是班長作文400字 我找回了自信作文600字
- ·會欣賞作文400字