分類:一年級作文 字數:300字 編輯:pp958
seasons 標籤:seasons作文 season作文 theseason作文 song作文
I know a song"Hello spring!Now it is summer,fall is near,winter is here.Four seasons make a year.I like all the seasons"Why do you like it?
Spring is a green and warm season.The birds come back from the south.They sing songs for us again.I like to listen to the songs.My frends and I plant trees ang flowers in spring.We want to make spring beautiful.
It is very hot in summmer,but people can go summing and the girl can put beautiful clother”s.It”s a wonderful season,too. Do you know why?Because I like eat ice-cream,It”s so sweet and cool.
Fall is a yellow and harvest season.It is like a beautiful picture.The sky is blue.The clouds are white.The leaves are yellows.The trees are in different clours.I can eat a lot of fruits in fall.
Winter is a white and beautiful season.I can go skating on the river.And I can played with snow and make snowmen.
I like all the season.
seasons 作文推薦:
- ·wanzhou”sseasons200字
- ·seasonsinchina200字
- ·thefourseasons100字
- ·fourseasonstheli100字
- ·seasons100字
- ·beautifulfoursea100字
- ·fourseasons200字
- ·seasonsindongyin200字
- ·theseasons四季(本文我400字
- ·seasons200字
- ·seasons200字
- ·thefourseasons600字
- ·seasons200字
- ·seasons300字
- ·seasons300字
- ·thefourseasons400字
- ·theseasons200字
- ·seasons200字
- ·thefourseasons100字
- ·seasons300字
- ·fourseasons100字
- ·seasons100字
- ·fourseasons100字
- ·seasons600字
- ·seasons100字
- ·theseasons400字
- ·myfavoriteseason200字
- ·seasons100字
- ·fourseasons300字
- ·小升初英語作文four seas200字
- ·seasons100字
- ·seasons100字
- ·我知錯了600字
- ·為什麼不難的題做錯了500字
- ·課本劇表演500字
- ·有趣的《西遊記》350字
- ·新《西遊記》800字
- ·西遊新傳100字
- ·西遊新傳400字
- ·西遊新傳400字
- ·西遊記也瘋狂1800字
- ·西遊記的讀後感1000字
- ·西遊記??叛逆宣言(教師手記之31600字
- ·西遊後傳900字
- ·胡談西遊(教師手記之258)1600字
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