分類:初二作文 字數:350字 編輯:得得9
nowadays 標籤:snow作文 snowman作文 myself作文 myschool作文
With people's lives becoming richer and richer,more and more people like to.spend a holiday or go hiking.Spendibd holiday has many advantages as we all know.But it also has some disadvamtages.
The advantage of spend holiday is that it cn let us relax after work.Nit only cam relax,but also can improvr our knowledge of study.That we can get more knowledge for ourselves.
The disadvantage of spend holiday is that it will pollute the environment.As we all know,the environment pollute is becoming more and more seriously.It also can cause the problem of traffic.That is vdry bad for us.
Spend holiday has a good sprirt for us.But we spend a holisay in a year.It bas advantage of us.But we spend holiday should pay attention to our environment.Don't let our environment polluted.The environment is home of us.We should protect it.
In a word,spend holiday ia very good for us.
nowadays 作文推薦:
- ·nowadays350字
- ·doyouknowhowtofi300字
- ·nowit`syourturnt100字
- ·inoknowwhy500字
- ·do not know500字
- ·youknowyou’renot400字
- ·myhappysummerhol100字
- ·boysays→替我愛你200字
- ·myshow超女比拼1100字
- ·myshow400字
- ·how to relax mys150字
- ·how to protect m300字
- ·avisittotheflowe150字
- ·icouldnotmakemys500字
- ·notveryspecialit800字
- ·snowwhite(白雪公主)700字
- ·snowseason(冬之美)100字
- ·winterandsnow200字
- ·初中英語作文:firstsnow400字
- ·堆雪人(makeasnowman100字
- ·snowandchildhood300字
- ·寒假英語作文雪snow200字
- ·寒假英語作文:snowballf200字
- ·forevernow200字
- ·doyouknowwhenbas500字
- ·iknowaboutchina.100字
- ·heavensnowclove(2600字
- ·makeasnowman100字
- ·makeasnowman100字
- ·makeasnowman200字
- ·用心良苦700字
- ·我很醜,但我很酷900字
- ·康乃磬600字
- ·家鄉800字
- ·情700字
- ·祖國500字
- ·卡比的眼淚800字
- ·體驗部隊生活1000字
- ·這也是不離不棄800字
- ·罰和戒的用意800字
- ·戩心之戀3000字
- ·皇帝的新裝(童話續寫)600字
- ·團結才會有力量600字
- ·物理課350字
- ·我的悲慘一生600字
- ·鄉愁作文 大盜作文
- ·那路作文 快樂的假日作文
- ·我的同學們作文 每一秒作文
- ·奧林匹克精神作文 多難興邦作文
- ·魚的自述作文 樹新風作文
- ·這裡作文
- ·月亮的故事作文
- ·快樂的國慶節作文
- ·四川地震有感作文
- ·冬晨作文
- ·生命的選擇作文
- ·母愛頌作文 夢想作文400字
- ·祖國在我心中演講稿500字 火災作文100字
- ·中秋月作文400字 書中人作文800字
- ·難題作文800字 感覺真好作文700字
- ·江南雨作文600字 人生如夢作文
- ·發現美作文400字