分類:初一作文 字數:700字 編輯:pp958
Long long ago, in the magnificent castle, lived a pretty princess. Her name is Snow White. Her mother died. Therefore king got married again. She had a step mother, but her step mother was very bad,beacuse she is awitch. The Snow White was very scared, beacuse she is pure, white and lovely. So witch was jealous of Snow White, she is very angry.
One day,she asked a hunter to kill the Snow White, but the hunter saw the Snow White very beautiful, so let Snow White escape, Snow Whit ran faster and faster, she arrived the forest, unexpectedly, she saw a small log cabin. Here was Dwarf”s home, she ate some food, lay on a small bed, quietly sleeping. After a while, Dwarfs came back, they discovered a Snow White and they are very happy. After Snow White waked up, Dwarfs knew her story, they all hated Snow White”s step mother, they helped the Snow White. She was very happy. Witch knew Snow White didn”t die, she was very angry, she made up an old woman and brought Snow White the poisonous apple. After Snow White eat it. She fell down the ground, Dwarfs were very sad, they were crying and put Snow White in the crystal coffin. After a while, a handsome prince arrived Dwarf”s home, he opened the crystal coffin, saw Snow White and thought she was very pretty. So he kissed the Snow White ,at this time, Snow White woke up and spit out the the poisonous apple. She was happy. Then they got married. After old king die, the prince became the king, Snow White became the queen, they had many sons and daughters, the life was very happy.
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