分類:初一作文 字數:1500字 編輯:小景
myvampirefriend(3) 標籤:my friend作文 myfriend作文 myfriends作文 friend作文
Chapter 3 “Hi, Jessy, hi Helen.” Katlin bounced off the bench at the shopping center. “Are we ready for the clothes hunt?” She asked like a team captain, her hands behinds ears and bending forward. “Yes.” I answered plainly. And Helen was too shocked to say anything. “Come on, you guys. I want some more chemicals. Light up!” She made a gesture of rising up. “Yeeessssss.” I replied impatiently. “We just finished P.E. and you don’t expect any chemicals from exhausted people.” I could feel myself sweating like mad. “Oh.” Katlin softened her voice. “Let’s get going then.” We followed her along the way. We first entered the girl-power scene shop with all that pinkies. Katlin tried a pink plastic oval earring. “How do I look?” She made a pose. When I was just about to open my mouth, I realized she was smiling at Helen. “Well, I think it’s quite nice.” Helen admitted uncertainly, tossing back her hair. But pink makes us so silly, like a sissy. “Yeah, according to Todd.” I grouched bitterly, crossing my arms in front of my chest. Katlin’s eyes sparkled with delight. She admired her reflection in the full-length mirror, eyeing her fabulous figure, deep in thoughts. “Really? That will do. Wait a min while I hand in the cash.” She ejaculated thoughtfully. I turned to Helen after Katlin was gone. “Are you insane?” I whispered tartly, “That looked so ugly!” Helen shrugged, shaking her head. “That was just my opinion. How was I supposed to know she’d take my words so seriously?” Yeah, right. Katlin is so unbelievable! She seemed so allergic to Helen’s words. What is she trying to do? Later that afternoon we found our disco outfits in a rush. I got a silvery-fishy-shinny dress. And Helen got a sleeveless top with round collar, and pink glitter butterfly. Katlin bought the same, except her butterfly was blue. Katlin is imitating Helen, I decided. She had been asking for Helen’s comments the whole entire time, leaving me feel like an idiot. An idiot, means an i-d-i-o-t-i-c person. And she gets all chocked up every time I mentioned Todd. That’s it! I’ve had enough of it! This is the first time I every hand with katlin and the last, for sure! 可能有人把小說的主旨理解錯了。今天,我以我家狗的名義對天發誓,這絕對不是愛情小說!而是恐怖小說。我在文章後面插入了故事梗概,以便了解。
故事梗概: Jessica”s best friend Helen has got a new friend. He”s good looking, funny and great to be with. But something isn”t right, maybe it”s his deep cold eyes and sharp teeth. She warned her friend but, no use. Evil is increasing, expanding... everywhere. Helen begins to change, turning a complete stranger to Jessica, can their friendship last forever, or will it be buried by the desire of blood?
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