分類:高二作文 字數:200字 編輯:pp958
topthemealoftheday(英語作文 標籤:remember作文 英語作文 thedog作文 hello作文
It is estimated that about 50 percent of Beijing students don’t have the habitat of having breakfast. The students get up too late to have breakfast in the morning , who have studied for a long time last night. In addition, Some parents are so busy with their works that They offer the money to their children to solve the meal themselves. some girls choose to be on a diet without hesitating,so as to keep charming stature. It is common knowledge that breakfast effect is not just restricted to your body. You will fell a longing to sleep in the class from dawn to dusk. On the other hand, it is difficult for to concentrate to listening to the teachers. As a result, you can’t be have a hopeful achievement. In a conclusion, breakfast is the toppest meal for you to provide the 30 percent of energy in whole day. It makes an offer of support to create thinking
topthemealoftheday(英語作文 作文推薦:

- ·topthemealofthed200字
- ·sweetthememory(甜500字
- ·the problem of t200字
- ·初二英語作文:givememor200字
- ·《buythelittlegir1300字
- ·look!thisisme!(英400字
- ·sundayfunday(英語作100字
- ·look at the clou350字
- ·初三英語作文:adaytorem200字
- ·四年級英語作文:ilovemyb100字
- ·關於ilovemymother的100字
- ·themoonchildofth600字
- ·ifthisislove,the300字
- ·my opinion on 300字
- ·thecolorsofthera1100字
- ·thefollow-upofth800字
- ·mythicthemes:gil1500字
- ·高二英語作文:be an opt350字
- ·高三英語作文:be an opt300字
- ·初三英語作文:afterthee200字
- ·[遠燈行系列]lovefullo1100字
- ·rememberthetraff100字
- ·givememotheracon400字
- ·themostbeautiful800字
- ·初二英語作文:atriptoth200字
- ·the high technol200字
- ·helping those pe200字
- ·二年級英語作文:visiting100字
- ·初一下冊英語作文themid-a200字
- ·初三英語作文:stayingat500字
- ·榕樹的落葉900字
- ·秋天、落葉、雨1300字
- ·秋天 落葉 未來1200字
- ·落葉之美500字
- ·落葉是疲倦的心靈400字
- ·落葉情思700字
- ·落葉滿階紅不掃,已是秋600字
- ·落葉歸根700字
- ·落葉的思念300字
- ·落葉的靈魂1200字
- ·落葉,飄的靈魂300字
- ·落葉,黃昏300字
- ·落葉600字
- ·落葉600字
- ·落葉350字
- ·美好的未來作文 冷暖作文
- ·亂談作文 《假文盲》作文
- ·望天空作文 美德少年作文
- ·暑假的生活作文 回家途中的一幕作文
- ·跑步作文 一百元作文
- ·獻給祖國的歌作文
- ·感恩父母作文400字
- ·長征作文500字
- ·如果我有錢了作文
- ·花開花落作文200字
- ·我愛象棋作文
- ·夢裡作文 看圖寫話玩水槍作文200字
- ·獻詞作文800字 滿天作文800字
- ·海底總動員作文 十一作文350字
- ·我知道了作文300字 孤傲作文100字
- ·強者作文700字 事件作文400字
- ·珍貴的照片作文300字