分類:高一作文 字數:200字 編輯:得得9
Do English at the end of the semester, there is always a part ofthe audition, there is a saying that "life is like a sea, only the strong willed can reach the other shore." Then, a thought flashed through my mind: what is life?
I came back home, saw his mother busy figure, brother homework figure, father working in the body. Look, I was entranced, a lightflashed: maybe this is life.Soon, the family business day as day,watching my parents sad, I think: This is life. Soon, after the exam, transcripts sent down, looking at this to my satisfactionscores, I gave it to my parents, watching them with a smiling faceon the face, I can not help but smile, perhaps, that is life.
But now I think, colorful life. There is a busy, there are sour, sweet, bitter,hot, sorrow, joy, all kinds of different to converge into a different life, and this is life.
life 作文推薦:

- ·traditional chin250字
- ·i always feel450字
- ·springfestival100字
- ·my school life400字
- ·myfeature100字
- ·mylife100字
- ·attitude on life150字
- ·plantospringfeat100字
- ·life200字
- ·myfavoritefestiv100字
- ·springfestivai400字
- ·厭倦のlife200字
- ·canyoufeelme800字
- ·feelings250字
- ·adayofmyschoolli200字
- ·wonderfulschooll100字
- ·ifihadmylifetoli600字
- ·what is life?150字
- ·differentseasons200字
- ·jazi`swayoflife400字
- ·mylife100字
- ·myschoollife100字
- ·springfestival春節200字
- ·fengxian700字
- ·緊張的“fei紙大戰300字
- ·feifeihu[2]1900字
- ·forgetmylife『忘記屬600字
- ·addfeet200字
- ·life500字
- ·an unforgettable250字
- ·大廠男孩350字
- ·回憶是一條沒有盡頭的路400字
- ·飲食1000字
- ·日積月累的日子700字
- ·青雲山拾趣1100字
- ·微笑?400字
- ·英雄300字
- ·梅之戀(三)100字
- ·人生中也有節氣800字
- ·時間就是生命1100字
- ·一人飲酒醉600字
- ·驚險一刻500字
- ·曾經的狗600字
- ·可愛的教官1000字
- ·改觀500字
- ·讀《魯濱遜漂流記》作文 學習反思作文
- ·獵豹作文 摘西瓜作文
- ·母親的眼睛作文 吃年飯作文
- ·家鄉的秋天作文 一株蒲公英作文
- ·木蘭作文 我的新班級作文
- ·冷落作文
- ·喝墨水作文
- ·迷人的春天作文
- ·幸福是什麼作文600字
- ·讀狼牙山五壯士有感
- ·有你的地方作文
- ·第一次看家作文 我們可不可以不憂傷作文
- ·貓和老鼠作文100字 九華山作文
- ·雷鋒精神作文500字 梁山作文400字
- ·心傷作文 羈絆作文
- ·我終於讀懂了你作文 沒想到作文
- ·第一步作文800字