an unforgettable experience in my life_250字
分類:三年級作文 字數:250字 編輯:小景
an unforgettable experience in my life 標籤:letter作文 a letter作文 alette作文 penfriend作文
Last winter, my family went to visit my grandparents. My grandparents live in the mountains,
so it is usually cold and wet there in winter. Before we leave, my parents always remind us to
bring heavy clothes. After we were well-prepared, we got on our car and set off. When we
arrived, we saw lots of snow. The snow covered the ground and trees. I've never seen snow
before, it was amazing. My brother and I started to build a snowman, but the snow was not
enough. Therefore, we began our snow fight, it was cold, but we had fun. After that, we went
into our grandparents' house, my grandpa told me that it seldom snow here, so we were very
lucky. On the next morning, when the sun came out, all snow was melted. This was the most
unforgettable experience in my life.
an unforgettable experience in my life 作文推薦:

- ·an unforgettable250字
- ·an unforgettable350字
- ·高三英語作文:my unforg500字
- ·難忘的一堂課(anunforge200字
- ·初三英語作文:anunforge400字
- ·初一英語作文:an unforg700字
- ·anunforgettablem400字
- ·unforgettablefir1000字
- ·myexperienceofle300字
- ·anexcitingexperi400字
- ·anunforgetablest200字
- ·初二英語作文:myexperie200字
- ·myexperiencewith600字
- ·everything about250字
- ·anamusingexperie200字
- ·初三英語作文:toexperie500字
- ·the experience o1000字
- ·my experience of200字
- ·my experience350字
- ·xiaoliexperience200字
- ·amazing experinc100字
- ·a travel experie700字
- ·a letter to e300字
- ·一個難忘的暑假(an unfor500字
- ·初二英語作文:ahorrible200字
- ·loveisthickertha200字
- ·初二英語作文:myexperie200字
- ·a letter to my a150字
- ·bettercity,bette200字
- ·forgetmeforever1000字
- ·馬戲團350字
- ·讀《一個小村莊的故事》有感350字
- ·剪劉海350字
- ·我討厭我的堂妹200字
- ·小區里的綠草地300字
- ·打彈珠500字
- ·讀書“游擊戰”800字
- ·夏天的夜350字
- ·灰雀400字
- ·難忘的中秋節350字
- ·秋天的風200字
- ·坐地鐵450字
- ·《亮劍》觀后感400字
- ·美麗的河島公園500字
- ·美麗的河濱公園300字
- ·界線作文 中秋快樂作文
- ·懷一顆感恩的心作文 漂亮的媽媽作文
- ·爆笑作文 是一種感覺作文
- ·愛的幾種樣子作文 我們這一班作文
- ·走後作文 地球在呻吟作文
- ·周日作文
- ·扔掉作文
- ·柚子樹作文
- ·記得要忘記作文
- ·彩虹的微笑作文
- ·暑假到了作文
- ·春節作文450字 春天的風作文200字
- ·感謝她作文500字 如果我有魔法作文
- ·《窗邊的小豆豆》作文350字 我們的路作文
- ·二十年以後作文 沉默的父愛作文500字
- ·我喜歡的電視節目作文 齊心協力作文500字
- ·中秋月作文100字