分類:六年級作文 字數:1100字 編輯:pp958
happymotherday 標籤:mymother作文 mother作文 my mother作文 mybrother作文
Mother and I
Mother is the cradle ground of the life, mother is the first teacher, the harbour where mother takes shelter from the wind, mother is a symbol loved, the greenhouse which mother poured out, mother is a kind incarnation, mother is firm and holy, mother is the people who we want to repay most. --The question remembering
Came spring last autumn, time slips by, I have been already 12 years old. This long one " The voyage " ,It is that mother trains me all alone to get big. Speak just as the poem: "Such kindness of warm sun, can”t be repaid by grass. " Yes, in these 12 years, one every sentence of mother”s has been adviced into my strength of every day; After coming back home, one every sentence of mother”s was greeted, had become the source of my confidence. Though this is only the words that what”s frequently heard can be repeated in detail, contain the deep mother love invariably.
Mother and I are friends sometimes, the enemy sometimes, it is the sworn followers while having. No matter when, there is a kind of emotion that can not say between mother and I, it is dense and dense too to say, say light and light too. This kind of emotion that can not say has been growing up following me all the time.
As a child, father worked outside, so the impression on him was not very dense, only remember mother has given me kind love. At that time, mother”s big hands were leading my small hands, took it on the distance, people see people say: See! How well two of this mother and son get along! Whenever always can appear one proudly and proudly in my eyes at this moment. At that time, mother and I were friends. I am with mother everyday, it is very happy everyday. The neighbours all say we are two of happy mother and son.
Whether after growing up, homework become more gradually, mother all day mutter. Son, how well is homework written? Will still have an examination next week? How well does examination of today have? I listen to so that ears bubble quickly, but she chatters. Mother seem that cares about me only when want the examination, now I find mother and I drift apart more and more, and often quarrel, mother and I are no longer as intimate like the thing that originally, I keep thinking deeply: It is finally that I have changed, mother has become
I am very sad.
Until one evening, my dim eyes, saw someone come in indistinctly, mother! Her gentle covering the quilt properly for me, just leave away quietly. At this moment, I know, whom all mothers showed loving care for most is children in the world! Perhaps, only the air knows, that night my crying silently.
Now, what a lot of people are seeking mother love. What is the mother love on earth? Usually, a sentence of cordial words that mother love is; While falling ill, the mother love is a concern and anxious expression in one”s eyes; While making a mistake, the mother love is gentle just criticism or instruction outside in one sentence; While losing, the mother love is a kind of positive encouragement
Different time, different places, the way in which the mother love displays is not the same! But there is one their starting point, only for children! ! !
From behind that evening, mother and I are friends forever.
Rest assured, mum! I will become your SUPER STAR BOY!
happymotherday 作文推薦:

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- ·mymother100字
- ·mymother100字
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