手機:M版 分類:個人簡歷 編輯:小景
個人簡歷 Personal Resume 姓名 性別 女 年齡 43 Name: Sex: Female Age: 43 聯繫地址:上海市東漢陽路(200080) Address: Suite , No. , Lane , East Hanyang Road, Shanghai 電話: 手機 E-mail Phone: Mobile: E-mail: 教育情況 Educational Background: 1994 - 1996年 日本神戶學院大學藥學研究科 獲碩士學位 1994 - 1996 Had studied at Pharmaceutical Research Institute of Kobe Gakuin University, Japan. Had obtained a master’s degree. 1992 - 1993年 ○○○○○○○○日本語學校日語進修 1992 - 1993 Had studied Japanese language at Japanese Language School. 1979 - 1983年 中國華東理科大學生物化學專業 獲學士學位 1979 - 1983 Had studied Specialty of Bio-Chemistry at East China Science University. Had obtained a bachelor’s degree. 工作經歷 Career Experience: 2002年6月 - 至現在 中央直屬大型集團企業(中國○○集團)製藥事業部 高級經理 主要承擔組建集團下屬大型液體製劑生產基地投資項目相關以下工作 June 2002 - Now Has acted as a senior manager of Medicine Manufacturing Division of a big-sized group enterprise the “China XX Group Corp.” - a subsidiary company directly owned by the Chinese central government. Had mainly handled the following related jobs of project investment in establishing a big-sized liquid medicament manufacture base owned by the group company 輸液產品選擇、市場調研、項目策劃 (市場部) l Selection of transfusion product, conduct of marketing research and handling project scheming etc. (the Marketing Division) 項目立項、設備招標、技術引進等國內外的合作事務(對外事務部) l Co-operation matters with partners at home and abroad such as project initialization, equipment bidding invitation and technology importation; (the Outsourcing Affairs Division) 從新產品研發到上市的推進協調 (新事業發展(NBD)部) l Promotion and co-ordination o
f new product in the stages from their research and development to launching them onto the market; (the New Business Development Division) 2000 - 2002年 上海○○○○科技有限公司 總經理 (個人公司) 2000 - 2002 Had acted as the general manager of Shanghai Technology Co. Ltd. (an individual-owned company) 進口藥品添加劑的國內銷售 技術支持 財會等全面管理 l In charge of overall management affairs of selling the imported medicinal additives on the home market, handle the technical support jobs and those in the finance division. 1996 - 1999年 日本著名大公司 藥品及食品添加劑部 中國市場經理 1996 - 1999 Had been a Chinese Marketing Manager of Medicine and Food Additives Division of a famous big-sized Japanese company. 藥品相關法規及市場調研 市場策略 工作目標及計劃 l Research of medicine-related regulation and study of marketing affairs, as well as responsible for marketing strategy and scheming of work objectives and plans. 為公司主要產品進入中國市場進行藥品進口註冊 l Conduct registry work for company’s major product being exported into Chinese market. 策劃 實施大型產品發布會 行業展覽 產品演示等市場拓展活動 l Scheme and conduct market development activities of big-sized product release show, exhibition within the trade, and product roadshows etc. 構築全國範圍內同大學院校 科研機構的技術合作交流網絡 l Had Built a technical cooperation network with some colleges and universities all over the nation and with a few technical research institutions. 協調由產品進口-代理商-用戶的產品流通各個環節 l Had coordinated in various stages of product circulation from their importation to the distribution dealers, and finally to the customers. 產品銷售 技術支持(如速崩、控釋製劑等藥品固體製劑新技術) l In charge of product sale and technical support (for new technology on solid medicines such as those for curing frusemide, dediabetes insipidus and for controlling urine release. 1993 - 1994年 日本神戶學院大學藥劑研究室 訪問交流學者 1993 - 1994 Had been a visiting scholar at Pharmaceutical Research Institute of Kobe Gakuin University, Japan 抗過敏新葯的藥物代謝動力學評價 l Had Engaged in the dynamic appraisals of drug metabolism of the new anti-allergic drugs. 研究成果分別於95 96年日本藥學會上發表 l The results of the research were published on magazine of Pharmaceutical Society of Japan, in 1995 and 1996. 1983 - 1992年 上海○○○○製藥廠 基因工程研究所 課題研究項目負責人 1983 - 1992 Had been the Person-in-Charge of a subject research project of Ge
ne Engineering Institute, Shanghai XXX Pharmaceutical Factory. 獨立完成了應用親和層析高新技術對生化藥物傳統提純工藝的改造, 為該葯新版藥典的純度標準提高二倍以上提供了質量可行性保證 該項目獲得上海市科技成果三等獎 l Had independently finished a reformation process on the traditional purification technique of bio-chemical medicines with a hi-tech technology of the affinity chromatography to provide technical quality feasibility in increasing purity of the new release pharmacopeia by more than two times. This project had obtained the Shanghai 3rd grade prize of technological achievements. 協助完成一系列出口合同質量要求藥物原料的技術攻關 l Had assisted in finishing a series of tackling key technical problems of theexport medical materials to meet the contract quality requirements. 語言及計算機能力 Language and computer abilities 日語流利 英語良好 普通話 上海話 l Fluent in Japanese, speak quite good English and being a native speaker of Mandarin and Shanghai dialects. 熟練操作各辦公軟件 自如運用互聯網信息資源 l Skillfully use various office-running software and can use Internet information resource at ease. 職業綜述 Professional Overview 八年國企研究所承擔天然藥物從研發到投產項目的經驗 l Eight years experience of engaging natural medicine projects from the stages of research and development to putting them into production in state-owned research institutions. 三年國外大學研究院新葯評價研究經驗 l Three years experience in foreign university research institution of appraising and studying new medicines. 三年外企市場策劃 業務開拓 技術支持經驗 l Three years experience in foreign investment enterprises of marketing strategy, business development and technical support. 二年私營企業經營經驗 l Two years experience in private-owned enterprise of business operation. 二年大型製藥生產基地項目組建、對外合作、項目談判經驗 l Two years experience in big-sized pharmaceutical manufacturing base of project initialization, foreign cooperation and project negotiation. 基於日本留學和一流公司的工作經驗,對日本的企業文化、商業、 法律與社會背景的親生體驗和理解,具備把國際化的思維與本地化的 實踐相結合、融會貫通從而發掘市場商機的能力 l Based on studying in Japan and working for the first-class Japanese firms, have personal experience and understanding toward Japan’s corporate culture and the commercial, legal and social background, thus have possessed an ability to tackle business opportunity by combining the international thinking with the localized practice. 具備與行業部門、相關政府部門、科研機關開展良好合作、及個性化 友好關係的能力 &nbs
p; l Being capable of cooperating with the trade management divisions, governmental bodies and technical research institutions on good basis. Also possess an ability to engage a personalized public relation issue. 興趣愛好 Interests and hobbies 音樂、金融、高爾夫球等戶外運動 * Music, finance and the outdoor sports such as golf etc.


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