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分類:初二作文  字數:1400字  編輯:小景

*English assignment**Analytical writing, I suppose.**We can either choose to write one 500word letter, or two 250 word letters.**The teacher liked this one. So..**I chose this topic because it was quite, umm, heated, at that time, and so I thought it was interesting.*-Letter 1-Statement of intention: The purpose of my letter is to notify people of the terrible events that Tibetans are facing, and to persuade people to support them.Intended audience: This letter is intended for those who know little about what the Tibetans are going through, who feels sorry for them, who believe they deserve freedom and democracy, and who”s yet to support them. The Age, Collin Street, Melbourne 3010 Dear Sir/Madame,Imagine if the only way to continue living your country is to cast off your identity and culture. After 60 years of silence, you then protest; you fight for peace and freedom, yet you are stopped by the police through unjust violence. This scenario may seem ridiculous to Australians living in a free democracy, but it has been happening in Tibet for more than 50 years and is happening still! At this point I begin to wonder, how can anyone not sympathise with the Tibetans under China’s rule?My friend living in China recently told me about a Tibetan she interviewed. The Tibetan, crying as she retold the story of how she was separated from her family, held my friend’s hand at the end and said, "lease tell people to believe us. Don’t let the Chinese divide families apart again. Don”t let them continue ruining the purity of our culture."Ever since China used army forces to conquer Tibet in 1950, Tibetans have been living under a nightmare ? of destruction; of violence; and of despair. The many rules and regulations that the Chinese government set for them caused fear and paranoia. I was even told by my friend that they’re now frightened to talk about their religion; if they’re not careful and let slip of a forbidden comment, then what they’ll face is jail, torture and exile. All they want is what may seem like basic human rights to us ? to be able to practice their religion at will, to end the restrictions; to live in peace with their family and friends. Is that too much to ask? Yours sincerely, Helen, St Kilda-Letter 2-Statement of intention: The purpose of my letter is to persuade those who consider the Tibetan protesters to be on the guiltless side; and those who only have a vague idea of what’s going on and want to know the truth.Intended audience: My letter is intended for readers who may think that the Tibet riot is an act of justice or supports them, and thinks that Chinese government is too cruel. The Age, Collin Street, Melbourne 3010 Dear Sir/Madame,After reading Helen’s letter, I have a few points to make ? Helen, may I remind you that during the Tibet”s uprising, the rioters carried weapons, killed countless people, and destroyed numerous buildings. All I can see in your letter is a heap of hypocrisy worded into sentences and paragraphs. If the Chinese government is ”unjust” at bringing the Tibetans” protest to an end, then what do you make of the Tibet rioters who harmed innocents who did nothing to deserve the pain and damage? Surely such an act means justice and freedom in your definition!?Do you need a little recap on history, perhaps? Tibet has been in China”s territory for at least 1000 years. The word ”conquer” was not necessary. Also, why didn’t you mention how generous the Chinese government has been, pouring billions to help develop and improve the Tibetans” living standards these 60 or so years? Having been in Tibet recently myself, I find it hard to believe that Tibetans were actually living in "a nightmare of destruction, violence and despair". Though China may be a little harsh dealing with the issue at hand, they were certainly never cruel to Tibet. I now wonder how much truth can be found in the stories your friend told, after reading your reality-twisted and exaggerating comments.All in all, your letter is biased, ignorant and prejudiced, and you avoided the truth when you can. Tibetan rebels are more like terrorists, wounding, injuring and slaughtering those who cannot help being born as a Han!Yours faithfully,Angry Zhang, Point CookMark: VHTeacher”s comments: A very good effort. Interesting topic, strong style and voice. Very good use of opinion and strategy. Though, paragraphing needed attention. Well done.

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