write a letter to the editor_700字
分類:高一作文 字數:700字 編輯:小景
write a letter to the editor 標籤:letter作文 a letter作文 alette作文 thedog作文
Dear Sir,
I am writing to express my views on whether celebrities should have the right to a private life or not. I think that they should have the right to a private life and I am going to further elaborate my points of view.
Firstly, I think it's everyone's right to enjoy their privacy being protected no matter their occupation, family background etc. It's not an excuse that someone is a celebrity and so others can violate their rights. Celebrities are also citizens of the society. The fact that they also show up in public doesn't mean that his/ her personal information also needs to "show up" in public. They need privacy to protect themselves, as well as their families. Isn't it unfair for the celebrities not having any privacy?
Moreover, why do we need to know everything about the celebrities? I think the reason for most people is curiosity but not really caring about them. In fact, their behavior behind the screen doesn't affect their job. (Of course, except all the bad behavior like taking drugs or smoking.) When you want to know everything about the celebrities just to satisfy your curiosity, have you ever thought of his/her feelings? That is definitely a painful experience, just like you are totally naked in front of the public.
Maybe some people may argue that we need to know more about celebrities as he/she is a role model in the society. However, as I have said before, this is not an excuse for anyone of us to violate other people's rights. Furthermore, the fact that paparazzi follow the celebrities and take photos of them is not because they want to find out whether he/she is a good person, but instead, telling the public how much is her new handbag or who's her new boyfriend etc. All this information isn't meaningful and necessary and not the criteria for identifying whether one can be a role model of the society.
Therefore, I think that we should be considerate and think about the consequence it may bring when we want to know the private lives of the celebrities. We shouldn't be selfish and deceive ourselves with different unreasonable excuses because that is unfair to the celebrities, whose job requires them to show up in public very often. So, I reiterate that celebrities should have the right to have a private life.
Yours faithfully,
write a letter to the editor 作文推薦:

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