分類:初一作文 字數:200字 編輯:得得9
i think that everyone should know that first of april is april fool day,a day which we trick the others.
the taste of being tricked is surely not well,and i also had exprience of been tricked.
last year”s april fool,wo had just finished our common test,and what we did not think about,is that the next day,we had our results back.
our teacher took our test papers secretly and walked in to the class,and face full with serious expression and told me that i did very badly for it,and that makes me feels nervous.
when i saw my test paper,i realised that i had been tricked.because i came in first of the exam.

i 暫無評論
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- ·成績1100字
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- ·折斷的翅膀200字
- ·夢想1000字
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- ·走進新校作文 淘氣的弟弟作文
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- ·發現春天作文
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- ·魔法棒作文500字