分類:初一作文 字數:200字 編輯:pp958
Hello!My name is XXXX.I am a Chinese girl.I am twelve years old.There are three people in my family.They are my father,my mother and me. My parents are works.They name are XXXX and XXXX.My telephone number is four six seven one two three one.My favorite color are black and white.My favorite subject are math and P.E.I very like P.E.I can play tennis, volleyball,basketball and football.
I have my bedroom.It”s big and nice.The window is in the wall.The dask and chair are near the door.The bed is between the window and the desk.A photo,a picture are on the wall.I very like my bedroom!
My goood friend is XXXX.She is twelve years old.She favorite color is white.She favorite subject is English.She likes cat.
This is me.A happy me.
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