分類:初一作文 字數:200字 編輯:pp958
movie 標籤:mymother作文 money作文 mother作文 my mother作文
My favorite movie is action movies.I think they”re very exciting~!I like the Hong Kong movie star:Jackie Chan!And I like romances a little.I think romances are romantic.I think comedies are funny,but I don”t like it.I like watching about Chinese history documentaries.I think I can learn about Chinese history.I like news very much~!How about you?
My father likes about histoy movies.He thinks they”re interesting.My mother likes comedies,because she thinks they”re very funny~!And she likes romances,too.She thinks they”re great~ But she doesn”t like thrillers,she thinks they”re very scary~!
What kind of movies do you like??
movie 作文推薦:

movie 暫無評論
- ·夢想400字
- ·隨筆300字
- ·笑話3000字
- ·晨900字
- ·讀《烏龜》有感500字
- ·dearpeter200字
- ·鬼故事的壞處250字
- ·與雲同游100字
- ·消除芽蟲700字
- ·睡吧!父親800字
- ·隨筆1000字
- ·最長的電影1200字
- ·秋250字
- ·快樂600字
- ·美麗900字
- ·老師您辛苦了作文 抗震救災眾志成城作文
- ·曬太陽作文 豬八戒吃西作文
- ·靜心作文 光棍節作文
- ·一條魚作文 家鄉的秋天作文
- ·未來的鉛筆作文 發生的一件事作文
- ·登泰山作文
- ·春遊作文400字
- ·不好玩作文
- ·姚明作文
- ·寂寞的季節作文
- ·珠穆朗瑪峰作文
- ·五一作文350字 片段作文350字
- ·我願作文600字 表弟作文900字
- ·烏鴉後傳作文 文集作文600字
- ·堅毅作文700字 無與倫比作文500字
- ·可愛的小動物作文200字 假面作文900字
- ·百味作文700字