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the best time to be happy is now_150字

分類:高三作文  字數:150字  編輯:小景

the best time to be happy is now 標籤:thestars作文 theseason作文 snow作文 snowman作文

  We always think we will have a bettle life and be more happyafter we get married ,have baby.

  But the truth is ,there is not better time to be happy than right now.

  When we have baby,they are too young to take care of themselves.We convince ourselves we will be relaxed when they grow up.But we have another teenagers to deal with. Finally,it is frustrated to realize there are many obstacles in our life.

  Our life is filled with challenges,we should admit this truth and realize now is the best time to be happy.

  I hope everyone treasure the happy we have.

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