分類:六年級作文 字數:500字 編輯:小景
introduceoneselfto 標籤:introduce作文 myself作文 succe作文 travel作文
I call the rigorous dream Sha, this year 11 one full years of life have read six grades, the west west, goes down a year having graduated , needs the father who makes great efforts! Has the forehead ~ ~ digressed from the subject? Proceed to come , proceed to come, my woollen cloth, have a fat father, a beautiful mother, still have one lovable naughty younger brother.
I be a "broad" groupie oh! My like to look at happy male voice , super female voice , delighted cycle pen are free. Li Na . Wei Chen . Come to. Xu Fei , is fond of S.H.E , stick hall , unsmooth black meeting , still having Wang Xin Ling , ancient music culvert , the freewheel sea, and so on besides these person , me , the number does not also complete many person answers that I am fond of, hey-hey!That moreover, my interest hobby , I are fond of reading a book , are fond of listening to song , are fond of writing culture culture, is to tour secondly only when only meeting feels comfortable when doing this three pieces of things,true very good play , outside world are very wonderful although I do not often go to.In fact, I am the introversion child , everybody all believes I am very joyful , maybe is true because of the Libra people is expert in self conceal a bar! The heart even parents being unable to see self even, seems to say self”s innermost thoughts and feelings to others”s can really, and but who says woollen cloth? One people has wept well in heart silently! Forget it!
All right, introduce oneself to have finished being similar with, everybody needs to want to know me again what, conducts slip of paper for me right away, good-bye!
introduceoneselfto 作文推薦:

- ·introduceoneself100字
- ·introduceoneself500字
- ·introduceoneself200字
- ·introduceoneself50字
- ·introduceoneself100字
- ·introducemyselft200字
- ·introduce myself250字
- ·introducemyself100字
- ·introducemyself1100字
- ·introducemyself100字
- ·introducemyself100字
- ·introducemyself100字
- ·introducemyself100字
- ·introducemyself100字
- ·introducemyself400字
- ·introducemyself400字
- ·introducemyself300字
- ·introducemyself200字
- ·introducemyself800字
- ·introducemyself300字
- ·introducemyself(300字
- ·introducemyself『400字
- ·to introduce mys100字
- ·tointroducemysel300字
- ·三年級英語作文:introduc100字
- ·introduceitself100字
- ·selfintroduce200字
- ·自我介紹(英文版) to in100字
- ·introduce myself200字
- ·introduce myself350字
- ·introducemyseif300字
- ·游青城後山1700字
- ·生日派對的搗蛋者600字
- ·生日派對800字
- ·生日派對500字
- ·生日晚會600字
- ·快樂的生日晚會300字
- ·快樂的生日晚會800字
- ·外星球探險之旅600字
- ·愛的魔法旋律——甜甜睡夢500字
- ·我的小汽車500字
- ·自古雄才多磨難1600字
- ·人生需多磨礪700字
- ·百家講壇——我的歷史文庫900字
- ·小雲彩蝶夢的奇遇-家鄉變樣了500字
- ·不經意作文 我欣賞作文
- ·校園的春夏秋冬作文 《綠山牆的安妮》作文
- ·我和她作文 我們畢業了作文
- ·看荷花作文 野薔薇作文
- ·印象最深的人作文 賴以生存的家園作文
- ·消逝的純真作文
- ·渴望和平作文500字
- ·難忘的決定作文
- ·玩具寶貝作文
- ·我害怕作文
- ·人生感悟作文600字
- ·想對爸爸媽媽說作文 消逝作文1000字
- ·拾起作文400字 燈光作文700字
- ·味道作文250字 月湖作文600字
- ·心中的珍藏作文700字 地球的明天作文
- ·美德少年作文 生命的可貴作文500字
- ·狐狸可可開店記作文