英語作文:a special day_350字
分類:六年級作文 字數:350字 編輯:pp958
Today is a special day ,it’s my maternal Grandpa’s birthday.In many years,we celebarted the day together happily ,with our whole family.But he has gone …and won’t come back again.We know he is living in the heaven, with God and gods.
That day ,I standed before him,during a queit moment ,he was looking at me ,smiling in peace …. And the next moring , he passed away…
I enjoyed the beautiful stories my grandpa told . He was a marvelous storyteller.When I was a child , he liked to told mythology for us. All the children crowded around him,like subjects around the throne. One after another,he told stories from his hearts. And now,I announce that it is maternal Grandpa’turn to listen to my stories for a change. I want to told him all about my shool life,with wet ,flashing eyes.It recalls all kinds of lost memories—stories about when we are little,stories about when Grandpa was young,stories that are shared family treasuers.
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