分類:六年級作文 字數:200字 編輯:pp958
after the rain, a spider hard to climb to the top of the wall has been fragmented network, due to damp walls, it climbed to a certain height it will fall down, it up again and again, again and again and fall down ……
the first man saw, he sighed to himself :“my life is not as this spider? busy and no income. ”so he increasingly depressed.
the second man saw, he said: this spider really stupid, why not from beside a dry place around the climb? I later can't like it that stupid. so he become more intelligent. the third man saw, he immediately touched by the spirit of the spider often hurt often war. then, he has become strong.
tip: successful mentality is everywhere can fine the power of success.

英語故事一 暫無評論
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- ·英語故事250字
- ·歇後語故事之打破砂鍋——問到底700字
- ·一節有趣的成語故事會400字
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