分類:六年級作文 字數:200字 編輯:得得9
what”schristmas 標籤:christmas作文 school作文 myschool作文 ourschool作文
Do you know what is christmas read and listen.
Christmas is western holiday, on a holiday, people don”t work children don”t go to school.
Christmas is special. in christmas, we have christms tree lights and santa. in christmas has santa, who is he ?he is a merry man in a red clothes. children say he bring gift for children.
Christmas, we invite our family ang friends to our house, they bring gift for us . we give our family ang friends gifts too.
We sing special song at christmas. christmas songs are carots. we have fun togeher.
When is christmas? it”s december twenty-fifth.
what”schristmas 作文推薦:

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