分類:初一作文 字數:200字 編輯:小景
whatcanrobotsdoforus?(機 標籤:robot作文 football作文 mybrother作文 sd娃娃作文
Can robots bring us good things or bad things?The answers are different.
Some people think robots will make humans loose their jobs and make humans lazy.But other people think robots are good .Robots can do some work better than humans.Robots can do hard work.Robots can do dangerous work.Robots work without pay.I think robots are useful for us.
How do you like robots?
whatcanrobotsdoforus?(機 作文推薦:
whatcanrobotsdoforus?(機 暫無評論
- ·whatcanrobotsdof200字
- ·aboutrobots.200字
- ·what`sdonecannot100字
- ·捉迷(mí)藏(cáng)349字
- ·whatshouldwedoto400字
- ·robots100字
- ·the robots in th200字
- ·whatcanidoforyou80字
- ·whatcanidoforstu100字
- ·whatshouldwedofo200字
- ·whatshouldwedoto100字
- ·whatshouldwedoto100字
- ·thoughtsonreadin500字
- ·arobotandstraw’s100字
- ·i have a robot我有400字
- ·robot100字
- ·universalrobot600字
- ·what can we do f250字
- ·what should we d250字
- ·growingroots(成長的1300字
- ·not shooting for250字
- ·三年級英語作文:howtobru100字
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- ·rushtothedeadsum2600字
- ·rushtothedeadsum900字
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- ·astoryaboutmrwhi100字
- ·anunforgetablest200字
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- ·車站的“假文盲”700字
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- ·我家的故事700字
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- ·望湖作文 旅行記作文
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- ·身邊的老師作文
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