分類:六年級作文 字數:300字 編輯:pp958
All things are difficult and easy distinction? If so, it is also difficult things easy; If not, then the easy things difficult. People scholarship is difficult and easy distinction? If learning difficulties are so easy; Do not learn, so easy is difficult. Shu on the border of two monks, one poor, one rich. Poor and the rich Buddhist monk said : "I wanted to go here, how?" Fu monk said : "What is your shopping?" "The poor monk said : "I depended on a bottle a bowl of rice would be sufficient. "Fu monk said :" I think several years down the boat and the system, which also failed to go into. You can rely on! "To the second year of poor monk from the South China Sea back, Fu told the monk. Fu monk symptomatic of the shameful looks. Sichuan from the South China Sea, and did not know thousands of miles way, Fu monk inaccessible But poor monk reached. a people determined to learn Is not such as Sichuan border that poor monk?
- ·買豬千口200字
- ·風100字
- ·朋友(3)500字
- ·風(散文)100字
- ·情900字
- ·薰衣林⑥2200字
- ·隨感700字
- ·安全交通1300字
- ·收穫微笑700字
- ·唐僧給悟空的一封信1400字
- ·小“女高音”300字
- ·千載誰堪伯仲間704字
- ·日記100字
- ·秋天800字
- ·有喜有厭的夏天600字
- ·頑強的生命力作文 郭晶晶作文
- ·傾聽心靈的鐘聲作文 雷鋒有感作文
- ·軍訓心得作文 讀書心得體會作文
- ·擔憂作文 美麗的晚霞作文
- ·巴掌作文 放飛作文
- ·學剪紙作文
- ·找針作文
- ·難忘的除夕夜作文
- ·活着真好作文
- ·苦澀作文400字
- ·龜兔賽跑新傳作文
- ·七年作文300字 閱兵作文200字
- ·我學會了堅強作文500字 發生作文
- ·怎麼了作文300字 星光作文
- ·虛擬作文1000字 只差一步作文100字
- ·殘疾人作文300字 愚人作文250字
- ·二十年後的家作文800字