the kite_1400字
分類:六年級作文 字數:1400字 編輯:pp958
the kite 標籤:teacher作文 myteacher作文 mymother作文 thestars作文
風箏(青蛙和蟾蜍的一天) Frog and Toad went out to fly a kite. They went to a large meadow where the wind was strong. “Our kite will fly up and up,” said Frog. “It will fly all the way up to the top of the sky.” 青蛙和蟾蜍去放風箏,它們來到一個有大風的草原上。 “我們的風箏會越飛越高的,”青蛙說,“它會飛到天頂上。” “Toad,” said Frog, “I will hold the ball of string. You hold the kite and run.” “蟾蜍,”青蛙說,“我拿着線團,你拿着風箏跑。” Toad ran across the meadow. He ran as fast as his short legs could carry him. The kite went up in the air. It fell to ground with a bump. Toad heard laughter. Three robins were sitting in a bush. 蟾蜍在草原上用自己的短腿使勁跑。風箏飛起來了,砰,又掉到了地上。蟾蜍聽見了笑聲。三隻知更鳥在一棵矮樹上落着。 “That kite will not fly,” said the robins. “You may aswell give up.” “那隻風箏不會飛,”知更鳥說,“你最好放棄它。” Toad ran back to Frog. “Frog,” said Toad, “this kite will not fly. I give up.” 蟾蜍朝青蛙跑去。 “青蛙,”蟾蜍說,“這風箏不會飛,我不放了。” “We must make a second try,” said Frog. “Wave the kite over your head. Perhaps that will make it fly.”
Toad ran back across the meadow. He waved the kite over his head. “我們必須再試一次,”青蛙說,“把風箏舉過你頭頂,也許風箏就會飛起來。” 蟾蜍在草原上跑,它把風箏舉過頭頂。 The kite went up in the air and then fell down with a thud. “What a joke!” said the robins. “That kite will never get off the ground.” 風箏飛起來了,砰,又掉下來了。“多麼可笑呀!”知更鳥說,“那風箏從來不會離開地面。” Toad ran back to Frog. “This kite is a joke,” he said. “It will never get off the ground.” “We have to make a third try,” said Frog. “Wave the kite over your head and jump up and down. Perhaps that will make it fly.” 蟾蜍跑向青蛙。“這個風箏真可笑,”它說,“它從來不會離開地面。” “我們需要再試一次,”青蛙說,“把風箏舉過頭頂上下跳,也許風箏就會飛起來。” Toad ran across the meadow again. He waved the kite over his head. He jumped up and down.The kite went up in the air and crashed down into the grass. “That kite is junk,” said the robins. “Throw it away and go home.” 蟾蜍又在草原上奔跑。它舉着風箏上下跳。風箏飛了起來,又掉到了草地上。 “那風箏是廢物,”知更鳥說,“把它扔掉,回家去吧。” Toad ran back to Frog. “This kite is junk,” he said. “I think we should throw it away and go home.” “Toad,” said Frog, “we need one more try. Wave the kite over your head. Jump up and down and shout UP KITE UP.” Toad ran across the meadow. He waved the kite over his head. He jumped up and down. He shouted, “UP KITE UP!” 蟾蜍跑向青蛙。“這風箏是廢物,”它說,“我想我們應該把它扔掉回家。” “蟾蜍,”青蛙說,“我們需要再試一次。把風箏舉過你的頭頂上下跳,喊:“上,風箏,上。” 蟾蜍在草原上跑。它把風箏舉過頭頂上下跳,喊:“上,風箏,上!” The kite flew into the air. It climbed higher and higher. 風箏飛到了空中,越飛越高。 “We did it!” cried Toad. “Yes,” said Frog,"We win!" “我們做到了!”蟾蜍說。 “是的,”青蛙說,“我們贏了!” The robins flew out of the bush. But they could not fly as high as the kite. Frog and Toad sat and watched their kite. It seemed to be flying way up at the top of the sky. 知更鳥從矮樹飛走了,但它們不像風箏飛得那麼高。青蛙和蟾蜍坐下來看它們的風箏,看起來它已經飛到天頂上了。
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