分類:初一作文 字數:500字 編輯:小景
iwanttolearntheguitar! 標籤:internet作文 letter作文 alette作文 a letter作文
I do want to play the guitar. However, how can a person like me who even can”t sing a song play the guitar well! It seems so ridiculous! The reason that I want to learn guitar is even more ridiculous! I just want to sing an English song, meanwhile I am playing the guitar in front of my
students. I have already chosen a song called Yesterday. I suppose my students will admire me much more.
After I had thought about this, I told my idea to 3 of my collegues. 2 of them kept silence then for they were taking a nap after lunch. I didn”t know whether they heard my words.The other one said that you could try it if you still have this thought 1 month later. I just told her the same words after she told me that she wanted to go to get a college again because she was longing for a better certificate. We smiled and went to sleep soon.
I thought of it just now. I browsed through some videos for guitar learners. It seemed rather difficult for such a guy who doesn”t know anything about any musical instruments like me.
OMG! I felt regret that I hadn”t learned the guitar when I was in the normal school. There were many students learning the guitar that time. Maybe it will be an another good thought that I MUST give up.
So this is the differece between persons. Some people keep up their idea when they meet any difficulties. So they succeed at last. But some people give up, they fail finally.
Success belongs to the person who can persevere. That is why I can”t
be a successful person.
iwanttolearntheguitar! 作文推薦:
- ·iwanttolearntheg500字
- ·《buythelittlegir1300字
- ·the wolf and the500字
- ·young student sh350字
- ·the internet cut200字
- ·thegirlonthetrai1800字
- ·iwanttobethevolu700字
- ·the fighting s200字
- ·the problem of t200字
- ·thenewlearningst400字
- ·learntobegratefu100字
- ·thebeggarkingand1700字
- ·thefoxthegoat400字
- ·studentsonthemov300字
- ·thefurthestdista200字
- ·whattheolympicsm800字
- ·look at the clou350字
- ·social practice 300字
- ·ontheinternet200字
- ·ontheinternet100字
- ·五年級英語作文:thelitte400字
- ·六年級英語作文:thelitte400字
- ·atthegame200字
- ·thelittegreenman300字
- ·atthegame300字
- ·cuttingthegrass100字
- ·atthegame200字
- ·theroleofmigrant400字
- ·the surprise in 250字
- ·learn ukulele300字
- ·iwanttobe200字
- ·快樂的大課間500字
- ·小河的呼喚500字
- ·致我最親愛的人100字
- ·致我最親愛的妹妹350字
- ·我最親愛的800字
- ·爺爺的生日party900字
- ·生日party600字
- ·凌晨3點特輯(3)——凌晨3點對700字
- ·凌晨3點特輯(2)——凌晨3點個800字
- ·別離的傷痛——致凌晨3點400字
- ·因為你是我最好的朋友1100字
- ·一次經歷250字
- ·我的一次經歷700字
- ·難忘的一次經歷——書市大集700字
- ·尋找魔晶作文 我家的小雞作文
- ·好美作文 不要輕易說“不作文
- ·炎亭作文 難忘的春遊作文
- ·春媽媽作文 絕交作文
- ·一抹陽光作文 小白兔的自述作文
- ·母親的信作文
- ·第一次釣魚作文600字
- ·易拉罐作文
- ·觸動了我的心靈作文600字
- ·我的小狗作文400字
- ·漢江大橋作文
- ·愛國情懷作文 吹牛大王作文200字
- ·瀟洒作文800字 筆下作文300字
- ·好孩子作文450字 一件珍貴的禮物作文
- ·alette作文 十八作文600字
- ·騰飛的祖國作文 夜半作文
- ·露珠作文600字