分類:一年級作文 字數:400字 編輯:小景
tutor(teacher)inmymind 標籤:myteacher作文 mymother作文 teacher作文 computer作文
Since everybody has his advantages, everybody can be a tutor. But it’s very hard to be a good tutor and it’s also difficult to find a good tutor.
There is a good tutor in everybody’s mind. They are different for different people. A tutor can be the best one for this person, while he may be the worst one for another person. In my mind, a good tutor should be someone who not only teach you knowledge and how to learn, but also tell you how to be a person; someone who never say “no” but “anything else?” when you answer questions in class; someone who never criticize you directly but analyze the serious results with you as your friend when you go wrong in life; someone who never commend you but ask you “Would you please…?” or “Could you do me a favor?” when he need your help.
In a word, a good tutor would respect you, your idea and your thoughts, and treat you as a friend, an equal person not just a student.
tutor(teacher)inmymind 作文推薦:

- ·tutor(teacher)in400字
- ·sorry,mymachteac300字
- ·mymother=sister+700字
- ·teacher,sisteror1300字
- ·ilovethecherries400字
- ·alettertomyteach300字
- ·ilovemyfatherver100字
- ·alettertomymothe300字
- ·givemymatherlett200字
- ·write a letter h300字
- ·internetandcompu300字
- ·mymother,father100字
- ·newteacher----ch200字
- ·the better futur800字
- ·later in the fut500字
- ·myschoollifeinth400字
- ·whether grandpar200字
- ·mychineseteacher100字
- ·mychineseteacher200字
- ·mychineseteacher100字
- ·to the teacher w400字
- ·the teacher i ne600字
- ·cherishthewater1000字
- ·iandsisterwriter100字
- ·my favourite tea250字
- ·myfavouriteteach100字
- ·myfavouriteteach100字
- ·myfavouriteteach100字
- ·myfavouriteteach500字
- ·myfavouriteteach100字
- ·respect teachers300字
- ·myenglishteacher200字
- ·myenglishteacher200字
- ·myenglishteacher100字
- ·myenglishteacher100字
- ·mydearenglishtea100字
- ·my english teach100字
- ·acardtotheteache100字
- ·轉與學??記錄一次晨談(教師手記1350字
- ·馬小跳的記錄本1800字
- ·記錄我的讀書1300字
- ·記錄2005最後一刻800字
- ·記錄200字
- ·觀察記錄600字
- ·走好現在的“路”300字
- ·淡妝濃抹總相宜作文 紙幣作文
- ·華麗作文 賽爾號歷險記作文
- ·我的第二故鄉作文 去掃墓作文
- ·鴨媽媽作文 一生作文
- ·新書包作文 海闊天空作文
- ·年少的我作文
- ·秋日私語作文
- ·星語作文
- ·草地上作文
- ·轉身離開作文
- ·書香人生作文
- ·跳蚤作文800字 風扇作文400字
- ·春天的足跡作文800字 追求夢想作文500字
- ·乒乓球作文350字 再次作文800字
- ·喜歡畫畫作文500字 晨雨作文100字
- ·菠蘿作文100字 在想作文800字
- ·回來了作文250字