let’s get a christmas t_1600字
分類:一年級作文 字數:1600字 編輯:小景
let’s get a christmas t 標籤:christmas作文 letter作文 alette作文 a letter作文
It is almost Cristmas. So, today, the Smith family is going to get their Chirstmas tree.
“Come on, Jay and Sarah. Let’s get going.” “Where are we going, Dad?” “We’re going to the Christmas tree farm.” “All right!”
When the Smith family arrives at the Christmas tree farm, they see thousands of Christmas trees.
“Look at all the trees. They are planted in straight rows.” “They have many kinds of Chirstmas trees.” “Yes, those ones are white pines. And these are spruce trees.”
Picking a tree is not easy. Some trees are too small. Some trees are too big. Some trees are not straight. “How about this tree?” “It’s too thin, Jay.” “What about that tree?” “It’s too twisty, Sarah.”
“I like that tree. It is a perfect Christmas tree.” “Wow! I like it, too.” “It’s beautiful.” “Let’s cut it down.”
“Timber!” “Stay back, Jay. It’s going to fall.” They are very happy that they found such a wonderful tree.
Now, it is time to enjoy a hot cup of apple cider in the farmhouse. The Christmas tree farm makes delicious hot apple cider.
“Thank you very much. Enjoy your tree.” “Merry Chirstmas.” “Merry Christmas to you, too.”
“How will we get the Christmas tree home, Dad?” “We will tie it to the roof of the car?” “Ha! Ha! That’s funny!” “It’s true, Sarah. We will tie it to the roof of the car.”
Cutting down the tree is only half the fun. The Smith family will decorate it. “Brush the snow off the tree.” “Okay, Mom. I will.” “I’ll get the Christmas tree stand.”
Dad puts the tree into the stand. Without the stand, the tree cannot stand up. “Now, we can decorate the tree.” “First, we must put the lights on.”
Sarah makes sure that every light bulb works. Dad and Jay put the light on the tree. “Look at this one. It’s pretty.” “The tin soldiers are my favorite.”
“Now, Jay and Sarah, you can put some tinsel on the tree.” “Wow, it looks beautiful.” The tree is almost finished. It looks great, but there is one thing missing. “There is something missing.” “What’s that?”
“The star!” No Christmas tree is complete without a star on top. So, Dad lifts Jay up so that he can place the star on top of tree. “There, perfect!” “This is the greatest Christmas tree ever!”
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