手機:M版 分類:法律文書 編輯:小景
擔保書英文 標籤:英文簡歷
I am willing to be the financial supporter of Mr./Ms. _____________, a citizen of___________, during his /her stay at Nanjing University as a student. I will make sure that he /she pay all the fees on time, and I will pay all the fees which he /she would fail to pay.
證件號碼/Identification Number:____________________
與申請人關係/Relationship with the Application:_____________
單位/Name of Employer:_______________
電話(住宅)/Telephone Number (Home ):__________________
To: Canada Embassy
Dear Sir or Madam:
I am the applicant XXX’s father/mather and guarantor for his study in Canada, *****(父親/母親名)。 I have been working as the ******(職位名) in *************Co. Ltd. since **** with annual income RMB***, 000 excluding year-end bonus) after tax. For better development in the future, my son, ******** decided to go to Canada for further study. I am willing to provide my avings RMB**0, 000 to support my son. I guarantee that my son ****** will have savings RMB**0, 000 to support himself. I guarantee that my son ****** will have no economic difficulties in Canada and obey the laws and regulations. I am willing to bear all the responsibility if any problems happen. Please give kind consideration to my son *****’s visa application.
Thanks a lot!
I hereby to guarantee!
***** (申請人父親/母親) Signature: _____