手機:M版 分類:個人簡歷 編輯:pp958
***先生為了將來在國內有更好的發展,決定赴英國留學深造,我公司也十分需要高素質的管理人才,所以我們十分贊同其留學計劃並真誠歡迎***先生學成回國后能繼續在我公司從事工作。 如有進一步需要,歡迎與我公司取得聯繫!
Working Certificate
To British Embassy
Whom It May Concern
**** Development Co. Ltd. was founded in 1995 with the registered capital of RMB20, 000, 000. We mainly deal with *****.
Mr. *** has been working in our company since 1995. Due to his outstanding working behavior, Mr. *** was promoted to the *** in charge of *****. Mr. *** worked hard and had opening up wide market for our company, which made our company has a stable position in the keener competition. His yearly salary is RMB 48,000 and his personal income tax has been deducted and paid by our company.
For better development in the future, Mr. *** decided to go to Britain for further study. Our company needs high-qualified manager, so we totally agree with his study plan and sincerely hope that Mr. *** can come back to our company for further work after finishing his study.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any further information!
Hereby certified!
General Manager:
******Co. Ltd.

- ·申請人工作經歷證明樣本
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