分類:初二作文 字數:500字 編輯:得得9
shouldallstudentsplayba 標籤:students作文 study作文 cosplay作文 childhood作文
There are a huge number of sports such as playing football,playing tennis,running and so on.
Of all those sports,I think that basketball is one of the most popular sports in the world.
It is a common but interesting sport which can played by both adults and teenagers.
At schools,we can see many students playing basketball on the playground.
In my view,it is really good sports,especially for students.
There are a number of advantages of playing basketball.
It can improve the team spirit because playing basketball needs good teamwork.
It is important for a student I think.
Besides,it can make the players’ bodies stronger and stronger as well.
If someone thinks it is unnecessary for a student to play basketball,he must be wrong.
When we are in Grade Nine,we will be examed the skill of playing basketball.
More importantly,basketball is becoming an important part in the school life.
If someone thinks there is no time for students to play,he must be wrong,too.
Just as the famous saying goes,“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”.
Sometimes relaxing is as important as studying,and playing basketball is just a good way to relax your body.
In addition,it is also a convenient sport.We can play it not only indoors but also outdoors,and we can play it only with a small ball.
For all these reasons,don’t you think playing basketball is really a wonderful sport?
Don’t you think it is enjoyable when you are playing basketball?
Don’t you think all students should learn to play basketball?
shouldallstudentsplayba 作文推薦:

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