how do english students ?their new classmates?_250字
分類:初一作文 字數:250字 編輯:得得9
how do english students ?their new classmates? 標籤:students作文 english作文 honest作文 thestars作文
It is a new term again .All the students must meet a lot of new classmates .Students in China are often to shy to give their greeting to their new classmates .Their teachers often ask them to introduce themselves in class .And each student often talks only a little about them-selves.
In England ,students introduce themselves proactively .They don't need their teachers to ask them to do so .If a student meets his or her .Then he or she will talk a lot of things about others.For example ,he or she will say "My name is...What is your name ?"English students like to talk about their hobbies and many funny things .
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