分類:初二作文 字數:1800字 編輯:得得9
bloodyfriendship(19) 標籤:myfriends作文 friends作文 myfriend作文 weekends作文
Chapter 19
Party over. And my life is over. I’ve just got this terrible feeling inside me, like something nasty is going to happen. Yet, no one is here with me; I’m in a cab on my way home, since Andy has to go to the market on the way. He said he had to buy something really important, garlic bread, I think. Why do these things keep happening in my life? I mean, so many weird things happened these two days. Katlin stole Helen’s boyfriend, and that’s not bad enough, Andy is so obsessed with Victor. I mean, Victor is a really nice guy, and I’m sure they could make a perfect couple. So why am I so disturbed? There must be something Andy is hiding from me, I decided. Oh my god, I think I just found out something! Andy has a crush on Helen!!! I so can not believe it! Why else could it be! I guess this explains everything. Andy has a crush on Helen but he doesn’t want me to know because I might tell her, or worse, Todd. And he somehow colluded Katlin, when Todd falls for Katlin, Helen will be all by herself, this is when Andy comes along the way and impresses Helen. And they the prince married the princess and they lived in the castle and lived happily ever after! Just kidding, these things only happen in fairy tales. Plus, Andy isn’t a prince and Helen certainly isn’t a princess. But, you get the main idea. But what about all the notes he passed me? Not that I care, just wondering. Oh, such a nasty way to keep me from suspecting him! He only pretended so I wouldn’t suspect him. I guess that unfolded without doubt. And why didn’t he want me to attend the disco and Club Nova? He said it was dangerous. But only idiots fall for that. Of course, he didn’t want me to get in his way. He knew it, it was the night when Katlin and Todd get together, and they shall not be disturbed, and in order to get his plan all settled. How mean of him! But we went there anyway or he would have been unreasonable. Then he wanted to go back, still the same reason. Until he saw Victor, an unexpected stranger, walking with Helen. He was very upset but too scared to show it. What did Victor say to him in Spanish then? What could he have said that made Andy more upset than ever? Probably something like “I’m Helen’s current partner now.” And Andy screamed out loud, “Noooooooooo!” Yeah, that makes sence! He went away then to observe how Katlin is getting on. I ended up watching them there, to Andy’s surprise. Just in case I might ruin his plan, he convinced me not to poke my nose into this matter, as if everything is already planned and settled. He noticed I didn’t buy that, so he started attacking on Victor, his new enemy. He imputed Victor for making this plan. So he pulled himself out of the mud by pushing Victor into it. It must be, or why is he so obsessed with Victor? As if that wasn’t enough, he libeled Victor of being a vampire. So ridiculous! Right now, he is in the market, buying garlic bread, for some IMPORTANT use, as he said. What IMPORTANT use could it be? Kill a vampire? Come on, you can’t kill a vampire with some garlic bread! That’s so stupid, you need to fill its mouth with garlic and hammer a cross into its stomach! And besides, there’s no such thing as a vampire. We are just haunted by our imagination. I know it! He probably found out Helen loves garlic bread and he wants to impress her! That must be it! Cruel, mean, nasty Andy, you’re not going to get away this time, not before my eyes. Hehe, I am so going to ruin your plan. And one thing for sure, I’m never going to forgive him for his, not ever!
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