分類:初二作文 字數:1800字 編輯:小景
bloodyfriendship(13) 標籤:myfriends作文 friends作文 myfriend作文 weekends作文
Chapter 13 Andy lowered his face, hiding it with his cap. Disco lights cast shadows on walls and window panes; loud music was still carrying on. All I could think of was a poem, Window panes come crashing down Amidst the tear and pain Vanishing hopes are gone and flew away Up above through twilight Shadows cast across the floor Reflections of the past Trembling thoughts of on Dwelling deep within the soul A mystical sense of reality Captured by the craze All in bewilderment Of the shock in the wave Creatures of the dimness Chattering amongst the green Everything slows in stillness What is this we see? The dance of terror, well, I don’t feel exactly the same but you get the idea, of the atmosphere. In fact, I’m enjoying this night of terror, seems so dramatic. “Hi guys, is that Andy?” Helen greeted to us, with that same stranger. Andy raised a little, but was still not confident enough to look up, he held on to my dress a little. He is too scared, I think. But since when was Andy a coward, not the Andy I knew. “And this is…” I glanced at the young man, then at Helen. Andy trembled a little, but I calmed him down. “Oh this is Victor, my dance partner. He’s heir to Club Nova.” Helen introduced. But Andy lowered his face farther more. The stranger beside Helen was about a few inches taller than her, very good looking, I must admit. With dark blond hair and deep blue eyes. Was really strange was that he didn’t seem to have an emotion on his face, just plain coldness, maybe that is an emotion. His eyes were fixed on Andy, looking suspicious. I dared not speak to him, I’m afraid I might freeze into one of those ice cubes.
It was scary, when there were four of us standing there, one is perfectly normal and one is acting so weird and one is studying him with cold eyes while the last one isn’t noticing anything, and not knowing what they are thinking. “Hi, nice seeing you, Helen told me so much about you.” He finally found a nice tone to speak, but the cold expression he had still won’t go away. And I was right, I did freeze, by the surprise. He looked at me for a second but soon back to Andy. “Hi… nice to meet you too…” “Who is this, your partner?” He interrupted. I might not know much about his business with Andy, but as far as I know, Andy is afraid and hiding away from him while he is terribly interested in Andy. Maybe they know each other, that’s the only possibility. Andy held on a little tighter, taking a small step back. “This is Andy,” But Andy pulled me so hard that I was nearly knocked down, I see that he was furious. But why? “Andy!” I complained, “Stop it.” “So you got a pretty partner.” Victor grinned. Andy wouldn’t say a word. So embarrassing! Victor lowered his head and leaned against Andy, passing a whisper which sounded something like “bien hecho, hacerlo!” It’s probably Spanish. I was told Andy was half Spanish, his mum is. Andy lifted his head, shouting angrily. “That’s not going to happen!” His whole body was shaking furiously, eyes filled with anger. I tried calming him down but it wouldn’t work, he looked as if about to smash Victor’s head open. But what did he say in Spanish anyway?
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