分類:初一作文 字數:1300字 編輯:pp958
bloodyfriendship(12) 標籤:myfriends作文 friends作文 myfriend作文 weekends作文
Chapter 12 Loud rock music could be heard outside the club, we got there just on time, thanks to my wisdom. Andy observed the big advertisement board saying ‘Club Nova’; he stared at the empty space deep in thoughts. He shut his eyes miserably, as if remembering something terrible. I grinned at Andy and stepped inside but he seemed to be dragged in very unwillingly. It was more of a cozy place then I thought. It was dark, and so crowded which brought me sense of security. I like being in dark places, with a few candles lighten up. But Andy’s cowardice broke the romantic atmosphere. He grabbed my arms nervously, glancing around, making sure we weren’t observed. He pulled down his cap, low enough to cover his eyes. While I searched for Helen’s tall thin figure, he was looking for someone else, very carefully, that is. He must be hiding from someone, I thought. “Jessica, let’s get out of here, I’m getting Goosebumps.” He pulled me by the arm. “But it isn’t chilly in here, in fact, it is quiet warm.” I wondered. “No jokes, get out as soon as possible.” It wasn’t easy to make the way out of that entire crowd when they were all dancing crazily and wiggling madly, I was almost smashed to a pie. I’ve never been to a night club like this before, where rock music was played so loud, I wonder if that earsplitting music would break my eardrum. But I like rock and roll music, especially when I need to wreak, anything, anger, pressure, anything. Older teens danced as mad as a hatter, on the table, that is, rather than a stage. And people were eating and drinking on the same table. That’s just disgusting, but teens like us ought to have some crazy excitements. Lights were all off and you might eat with your nose (laughing out loud). It was so crowed that people can squash you into pieces. And the worst part is, your dance partner started acting like a coward and wouldn’t stop being a shiftless infant. Maybe he does have a point; he has a reason to be aware. Because night clubs like this is a high-crime location, I’ve seen girls been murdered here on TV reports. But what the hell, Club Nova is a famous club; I have to risk for what I want. But I actually think this place is quite cool, maybe is just that darkness and evil atmosphere attracts people. I suppose I will meet someone, like in the movies, maybe not Prince Charming, but certainly someone mysterious and worth knowing. So I have every right and reason to stay here and have my time. No one can change my mind. No way I’m getting out of here. No way. Andy was anxious about someone and determined to leave, taking big steps towards the exit. “Stop it! Leave if you want, but you’ve not controlling me.” I grouched, struggling to free my arms. “I know he is here. The dreadful air is making me asphyxiate, I can feel it.” He pleaded weakly. “Who is here? The air is just fine; I bet you’re just too nervous, relaxing a bit. Just don’t think about it.” “Leave before it’s too late!” Andy remarked. He suddenly froze like a statue, his mouth dropped open but nothing was said or done. I force my neck to turn to that direction, and what came to view wasn’t anything unusual. It was Helen and… some. I patted Andy on the head. “You’re nuts.” I giggled. “Look, it’s just Helen and her partner. What’s to be afraid of?” “But…Exactly.” He replied tardily, his eyes with fear. “Come on, let’s go. Don’t let them see us.” “Why?” I asked as I waved to Helen, she responded with a smile. “Helen, we’re here.” I called out. Andy stared at me wide eyed in surprise. “Why’d you do that?”
“Why wouldn’t I?” Andy’s behaviors were too much I could bare, but I decided to remain calm for now. Helen got the signal and is heading towards me… with another stranger.
bloodyfriendship(12) 作文推薦:

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- ·離歌300字
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