分類:初二作文 字數:300字 編輯:pp958
catalogstores 標籤:dogs作文 loves作文 thestars作文 honest作文
Catalog Stores
These years in America, white collars even blue collars have to work very long hours a day and have less freetime to do things like going shopping because it may take them much time. So catalog stores have become popular in America.
How to buy things in catalog stores? First, you should find a catalog store. Next, find the exact item that you’re interested in or you want to buy. Then fill out the name of the item on an order form and give it to a salesperson.
If the item is in stock, it is taken to you on a conveyor belt in a few minutes. If it isn’t in stock, the salesperson must check and tell you when it will be available. It is only takes you about 10 to 20 minutes to buy the things.
Catalog stores are important and convenient for some people who are very busy. The things in catalog stores are cheaper than the same things in other retail stores, although there are only a few salespersons in a catalog store and you can know about the feature of the items. Maybe this is why catalog stores offer quality items at lower prices.
catalogstores 作文推薦:

- ·catalogstores300字
- ·honestyisthebest100字
- ·traditional chin250字
- ·初三英語作文:successbe200字
- ·~belongstoourfor600字
- ·the best present150字
- ·dogs are our fri100字
- ·lovestheflower(戀1200字
- ·春節英語作文ilovesprin100字
- ·youaremybestlove800字
- ·nine`s clothes s200字
- ·“thestoryofstuff800字
- ·bestwishestoteac100字
- ·honesty is thebe500字
- ·how do you think500字
- ·bestwishestoyou200字
- ·chinesespringfes700字
- ·clothesandfeelin500字
- ·lovesyou,neverre800字
- ·an interesting s350字
- ·whatisthesecreto100字
- ·the deepest impr200字
- ·sincerebestwishe100字
- ·ilikesingsongand300字
- ·springstories(內有2200字
- ·thenewlearningst400字
- ·初二英語作文:aninteres200字
- ·abigforestfire300字
- ·捉迷(mí)藏(cáng)349字
- ·girl`slovelogic400字
- ·韻詩靜畫500字
- ·經一事,長一智800字
- ·雅量高致周公瑾600字
- ·水汽400字
- ·生活200字
- ·撞車1000字
- ·母親節那天700字
- ·不做低頭族600字
- ·夢1000字
- ·一場精彩的藝術節800字
- ·快樂的定義500字
- ·母親600字
- ·友情(二)1632字
- ·她700字
- ·心情450字
- ·我是中國人作文 珍惜親情作文
- ·滑雪記作文 感到幸福作文
- ·掙脫作文 樂趣作文
- ·冬天的花作文 讀圓明園的毀滅有感作文
- ·下雨真好作文 羅密歐作文
- ·飄雪時作文
- ·我的舞台作文
- ·在幸福中作文
- ·小狗的故事作文
- ·先進事迹範文
- ·帶着微笑出發作文
- ·正月作文200字 我愛故鄉的作文400字
- ·筆記本作文500字 想要作文300字
- ·我愛我作文400字 美麗的夢作文500字
- ·西子湖作文 種子的力作文
- ·母愛是什麼作文300字 寫作作文900字
- ·意志作文600字