a time machine_150字
分類:初二作文 字數:150字 編輯:pp958
a time machine 標籤:happiness作文 newyear作文 money作文 lonely作文
Jerry and Susan”s father invented a time machine.They wanted to see dinosaurs in the past. So they got on the time machine and flew back to more than 65 billion years ago.At first, they saw a brontosaurus . It was huge, but it only ate plants. So they weren”t afraid of it. The three enjoyed their trip there . Suddenly, there came a tyrannosaurus . This kind of dinosaur ate meat. It tied to attack Jerry, Susan and their father . They were scared. They ran to the time machine and went back quickly.
a time machine 作文推薦:

a time machine 暫無評論
- ·neversummernever2200字
- ·traditional chin350字
- ·此女子拿mīńɡ等待1600字
- ·今(jīn)天(tiān)是(s469字
- ·a new plan for t350字
- ·元旦新年英語作文newworld400字
- ·chinesenewyear100字
- ·chinesenewyear100字
- ·chinesenewyear100字
- ·chinesenewyear”s100字
- ·chinesenewyear”s200字
- ·mychinesenewyear200字
- ·關於春節的作文-chinesen200字
- ·new school,new l250字
- ·newworld,newchal400字
- ·an incident whic800字
- ·one-day tour of 500字
- ·nooneisthesameas500字
- ·letmeknowthatyou700字
- ·beautiful chines600字
- ·the fighting s200字
- ·a time machine150字
- ·theamericanandth500字
- ·chinese elements200字
- ·mychineseteacher100字
- ·mychineseteacher200字
- ·mychineseteacher100字
- ·newteacher----ch200字
- ·unusualchinesete200字
- ·五年級英語作文:achinese100字
- ·隨筆300字
- ·星500字
- ·花為誰開3000字
- ·隨筆300字
- ·無題500字
- ·我們。花陌落011100字
- ·小溪500字
- ·陌刀100字
- ·育嬰記1100字
- ·擦亮心情350字
- ·自己感言100字
- ·世亂,心不亂300字
- ·成長450字
- ·童年1160字
- ·書里有個“我”600字
- ·坐標作文 英雄本色作文
- ·花瓶作文 豐盛作文
- ·唱響和諧作文 《家有兒女》作文
- ·梅香作文 我難忘的一件事作文
- ·那本童話里有個公主作文 怪風作文
- ·游花果山作文
- ·紅燭頌作文
- ·春天的足跡作文600字
- ·弟子規讀後感
- ·綠光作文
- ·潑水節作文
- ·競爭作文200字 紅樓夢作文800字
- ·雪飄作文100字 城堡作文400字
- ·諸葛亮作文 寫作作文300字
- ·科學課作文500字 雜技表演作文600字
- ·關係作文400字 滑冰記作文
- ·鴕鳥作文