初中英語作文:我們的新老師our new te_300字
分類:初三作文 字數:300字 編輯:小景
初中英語作文:我們的新老師our new te 標籤:favourite作文 我們的新老師作文 英語作文 newyear作文
Our New Teacher
Our class is a bad class in our school. But when Mr. Johnson came,everything changed. He looks kind and special. Before he came, we thought classes were boring. And no one listened to the teachers carefully. But Mr. Johnson has made us the best class only half a year later. He is fond of talking with us equally and never forces us to study. He develops our interests in studying. Besides, he tells us how to be a man first, then to be a good student. He respects our feelings, so we all trust him and feel glad to follow what he says.
初中英語作文:我們的新老師our new te 作文推薦:
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