the surprise in the corner_250字
分類:初三作文 字數:250字 編輯:pp958
the surprise in the corner 標籤:internet作文 theseason作文 mymother作文 myfather作文
When I feel upset, walk to the corner. When everything around my indignation, came here, always found a plant it.
it's just a house the humble grass, I, also just ordinary traveler. But when I met it, was deeply shocked. That day, the sky covered with dark clouds, as if reflects my mood - it is not great, I am very boring, then pulled out, the grass emerged off, all of a sudden, I found that one individual plant grass now that toughness is dye-in-the-wood, survived my mob.
I lack of interest in it, so there isn't too care about, until the next day.
I came to the little place again, weeds have no sight, only the one individual plant grass stand proudly, like a tree tall and straight bamboo, and below it, not a warm and comfortable soil, but the hard stone. Ah! No matter how difficult the situation, always there is the path to success, we don't, too?
the surprise in the corner 作文推薦:

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