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Most of the people in China can speak little English.They think English is so difficult for them to learn it,at the same time,they also think it is useless in their lives.
To me,English is a subject.Thoulgh it is so difficult,I have to learn it carefully.I remember I disliked English at all when I studied it for the first time.But now,I am good at English.Because I know English is very important in our lives.
English can make our country more stronger.when we visit other countrys,we should tell to our friends in English:China is stronger.All the people in China is stronger,too.
English not only can make our country more stronger,but it also can make all the people in China more cleverer.
As we know,many countrys are stronger than ours.And most of the people in China are trying their best to learn other country”s skills.So they should speak English.
How important Englsih is!
isenglishimportant? 作文推薦:

- ·isenglishimporta400字
- ·english is impor250字
- ·englishisimporta300字
- ·the importance o300字
- ·listening is mor350字
- ·how important ex100字
- ·way to improve o300字
- ·fromenglandengli100字
- ·englishbasicsent500字
- ·今(jīn)天(tiān)是(s469字
- ·englishisourseco100字
- ·英語的重要性(itsimport200字
- ·tenimportantguid100字
- ·the most importa100字
- ·my most importan150字
- ·theimportanceofp100字
- ·breakfastisimpor100字
- ·isbeautymostimpo500字
- ·keepinghealthyis100字
- ·the importance o100字
- ·howtoimproveyour100字
- ·howtoimproveyour400字
- ·howtoimproveyour200字
- ·isatestofspokene500字
- ·anenglishpoem100字
- ·should nuclear p300字
- ·startingpoint400字
- ·iwanttobeaenglis100字
- ·mountain(english400字
- ·how do engl250字
- ·englishisimporta300字
- ·english400字
- ·english100字
- ·english1300字
- ·anenglishpoem100字
- ·ilikexiaohe(圖文)200字
- ·ilikethesubtle600字
- ·ilikesports100字
- ·ilikelivngpiace200字
- ·第一次學英語500字
- ·絢爛的life plannin350字
- ·our life in the 500字
- ·myshoollife200字
- ·mypastlife200字
- ·mylifestyle100字
- ·國慶閱兵儀式觀后感作文 並蒂蓮作文
- ·路漫漫作文 乒乓球又圓了作文
- ·生病作文 美麗的村莊作文
- ·太空旅行作文 漁家傲作文
- ·最美孝心少年作文 壽命作文
- ·心痛的感覺作文
- ·泡麵作文
- ·深沉的父愛作文
- ·做我自己作文
- ·母愛如山作文
- ·法製作文
- ·畢業了作文200字 一片藍天作文1000字
- ·難忘的童年作文400字 思友作文100字
- ·愛的教育作文250字 國旗作文450字
- ·快樂的節日作文200字 紫荊花作文
- ·卑微作文800字 雨作文100字
- ·七夕作文100字