分類:初一作文 字數:600字 編輯:pp958
Private highway or Public transportation
I believe that our government should spend more money on transportation. Here is why.
First of all, public transportation such as buses and subways can deliver a great amount of people at the same time. For instance, subways can always transfer hundreds of people to their destinations as soon as possible. Long distance buses will give a handful of help to many people who work in a different city as they live. In addition, local buses are heroes for making our everyday life easier.
Secondly, public transportation can effectively relieve the traffic congestion in rush hour. For example, living in a metropolitan like New York or Toronto, people are highly recommended to take public transportation. Not only the gasoline price today is scaring people away, but they always agree that it can take them forever to get out of a traffic jam in rush hour.
Last but not least, buses and subways today are typically powered by low emission fuels and even electricity. The government should realize that this will make a great contribution to the city’s environment. In the other hand, environmental problem has been raised as a global concern. I think our government should not consider the future impact of car emissions at last; otherwise they will eventually spend more money from their budget to save the environment.
As a matter of fact, highway improvement is somehow required as well. Nowadays, in the city I am living, almost every family owns a car. My parents are living outside the city, they drive to work everyday. In holidays, they will invite me to have a trip. We can plan the trip wherever we want to go. People have more freedom to travel with cars, and it turns out that highways are always occupied during weekend.
To conclude, public transportation requires more attention from our government. For instance, such as the quality of buses, the appropriate increase of routes and the safety concerns.
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