welcome to my community._250字
分類:初一作文 字數:250字 編輯:小景
My name is June.
I live in a community called Chicago.
A community is a place where people live,work,and have fun together.
Chicago is a big city community.
Many people live and work in my community.
My family lives with many neibourhood.
Neiburs live close together in a neibourhood.
My home and school are part of my neibourhood.
And my neibourhood is part of my community.
There are many places to have fun in my community.
I can swim in the pool.
I can visit the museum and see many interesting things.
In Central Park,I can have a picnic and play baseball.
The police station and fire station provide services for the community.
My community has many stores for shopping,too.
welcome to my community. 作文推薦:
welcome to my community. 暫無評論
- ·親情350字
- ·珍惜你的家865字
- ·書香作伴400字
- ·無題150字
- ·向上吧,少年!900字
- ·童年的陽光700字
- ·我讀自己900字
- ·瞧,那群野丫頭(5)900字
- ·牧羊的記憶600字
- ·幸福900字
- ·隨筆.300字
- ·異界妖魔【二】600字
- ·朋友600字
- ·背後的山250字
- ·隨筆800字
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