分類:初一作文 字數:300字 編輯:小景
newyear。 標籤:newyear作文 goodbye作文 tenyears作文 happiness作文
New Year。
Today,It’s sunny,I was so happy.Because yesterday I wish today was snowy and satfied my wish.I did somesthing everyday.I washed my clothes.Tt’s cold.then,The snow was too big.and We went to the field.The field was green.It’s beautiful.After that.We ate lunch togther.We was so happy.
My father and I went to the shop.We go shopping.We bought some eggs and mike.Because tomarrom is New Year.I think it’s happy a lot.It’s can eat some rice.What’s it.I think it’s chicken..tomarrom We want to eat it.We was waiting. New Year’s day is coming,We ate a lot.pork,duck,meat and some milk.Then,We went to the shop and bought too much to play.Then,We went to see the duck in the river. It’s beautiful.I like it.We went to the frend home and play some game,It’s so happy.At dinner,It’s too much to eat.It’s deliceus.Then We saw the sky,It’s beautiful too.
newyear。 作文推薦:

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- ·happynewyear100字
- ·newyear。300字
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- ·把微笑送給自己!happynew850字
- ·一年級作文:chinasenew100字
- ·happynewyear。1100字
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- ·chinesenewyear100字
- ·高二英語作文:newyearpa400字
- ·chinesenewyear”s100字
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- ·關於春節的英語作文-happyn300字
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- ·chinesenewyear100字
- ·happynewyear300字
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- ·元旦英語100字作文mynewy100字
- ·happynewyear。1100字
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- ·chinesenewyear100字
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