study english_200字
分類:高二作文 字數:200字 編輯:pp958
study english 標籤:study作文 english作文 students作文 shopping作文
What iswell known all is that English study is to us what sun is to plants.As a will take the college entrance exam's student,we should own ourselves learn ways.Therefore,our school research team gives us many suggestions.
On the one hand,common ways are quite importance that improving our English study skills.Firstly,we should make full of order ,knowing difficult knowledge .Second ,keeping a good attitude,activily enter classmates discuss.Finally,consolidating knowledges on time is also very importance.
On the other hand,at my point,reading loudly and always reciting English could help us improve language express,doing outside reading could broaden our horizons,improving our knowledge.
study english 作文推薦:
study english 暫無評論相關作文
- ·四年級英語作文:mystudy300字
- ·ilikestudying200字
- ·studyingabroad100字
- ·初三英語作文:studyinga300字
- ·初二英語作文:studyincl200字
- ·english study150字
- ·[thewayofstudyin900字
- ·my study plan350字
- ·howistudyenglish200字
- ·myenglishstudyin800字
- ·how to study eng100字
- ·┢┦ow to study en300字
- ·study english200字
- ·study200字
- ·how to study eng250字
- ·study200字
- ·whatcanidoforstu100字
- ·how to study100字
- ·my english study350字
- ·study english200字
- ·study100字
- ·study at canada150字
- ·the study attitu250字
- ·my experience of200字
- ·study abroad200字
- ·study hard and 100字
- ·珍惜童年的生活300字
- ·偏偏懷念1100字
- ·偏偏800字
- ·追風箏350字
- ·追風少年的加冕禮1200字
- ·青春不留白900字
- ·留白900字
- ·留白100字
- ·執子之手,與子偕老350字
- ·執子之手,與之偕老500字
- ·母親的梳子200字
- ·寫給我的哥哥1200字
- ·幸福的距離300字
- ·我與幸福的距離100字
- ·曾經的夢600字
- ·春光明媚作文 淡妝濃抹總相宜作文
- ·千島湖作文 中華民族作文
- ·如果可以愛你作文 龜兔賽跑續作文
- ·未來的門作文 銀月作文
- ·讀《綠野仙蹤》有感作文 看日出作文
- ·我的回憶作文
- ·你我之間作文
- ·秋天到了作文
- ·六一兒童節作文
- ·和諧之美作文
- ·吃葡萄作文
- ·月光下的遐想作文500字 冤枉作文500字
- ·愛在作文1000字 熱愛祖國作文700字
- ·花池作文300字 憶小作文300字
- ·現在作文250字 小靈作文700字
- ·潮州作文 競選演講稿900字
- ·文藝作文500字