分類:初三作文 字數:800字 編輯:pp958
myenglishstudying 標籤:study作文 english作文 students作文 shopping作文
I,a 14-year-old girl,have been studying English.I think studying English not only difficult,but also very interesting.When I was young,I know that English is one of the most important languages in the world.So I hoped one day I could speak English fluently I even thought I would be a translator in the future.
All along since,I study English harder than other subjects. Because English isn”t my native language, I can”t practice English at any time.Then, I always forget some of the words I memorized and some of the English grammar. So,I have a good idea ——making flashcards, It helps a lot , It helps me memorizing the new vocabularies profoundly and exactly. And listening to tapes is a very important thing to practice someone”s pronunciation, I tried it and gained good effect . And I think the most useful one is asking the teacher for help . I am not afraid of communicating with my English teacher at all . Because she is always ready to answer my questions and she is very patient,I can”t get good grades without her help.
Of course , I also have difficulty learning English , I think the most serious one is I always foret lots of new words , I alway make mistakes in spelling the new words . my English teacher said I should review the new vocabularies in time , It”s amazing how much this helped . It helps me remember more words .My English achievement is improved little by little.
Now, I find that studying English is a part of my life,it opens up my eyes to the outside world .People who know about me know that I want to be a sports reporter especially basketball one in NBA. When I grow up ,on the one hand ,I should study lots of things about sponts, On the other hand ,I must speak fluent English,mustn”t I? Anyuay, English is necessary for me . I should study it hard . One day ,I will speak English as well as Chinese , I believe!
這是一篇有關人教版初三上第一單元“How do you study for a test"的,我按老師的要求寫的英語習作。話說我英文還真是好不到哪裡去啊,寫的都沒話寫了…… ◎注◎"
老師的要求是:寫出以下內容,整理成文 1 Do you like English?How?Why? 2 How do you learn English? 3 Challenges 4 Solutions
myenglishstudying 作文推薦:

- ·myenglishstudyin800字
- ·howistudyenglish200字
- ·my english study350字
- ·┢┦ow to study en300字
- ·english study150字
- ·how to study eng100字
- ·how to study eng250字
- ·study english200字
- ·study english200字
- ·the study attitu250字
- ·myenglishspeech400字
- ·how do engl250字
- ·my experience of200字
- ·englishstory300字
- ·ilikestudying200字
- ·[thewayofstudyin900字
- ·studyingabroad100字
- ·初三英語作文:studyinga300字
- ·四年級英語作文:mystudy300字
- ·my study plan350字
- ·aboutlearningeng300字
- ·astudentincharge600字
- ·young student sh350字
- ·whatcanidoforstu100字
- ·study100字
- ·study200字
- ·初二英語作文:studyincl200字
- ·how to study100字
- ·study at canada150字
- ·study hard and 100字
- ·howtolearnenglis200字
- ·howtoimproveyour400字
- ·howistudyenglish200字
- ·english is impor250字
- ·iliketheinternet200字
- ·學英語500字
- ·學英語1200字
- ·淡淡的來去不見『lifeison600字
- ·thelifepastandno400字
- ·our lifetime300字
- ·life in&nbs100字
- ·life100字
- ·itismylife600字
- ·forgetmylife『忘記屬900字
- ·forgetmylife『忘記屬1100字
- ·暗示作文 雙贏的智慧作文
- ·快樂的星期六作文 調味劑作文
- ·其實很簡單作文 七年作文
- ·慢吞吞作文 仿寫作文
- ·蛇作文 《中華上下五千年》作文
- ·我的靈魂作文
- ·廣玉蘭作文
- ·悲傷作文
- ·出遊作文
- ·新學期作文500字
- ·五日游作文
- ·冤枉作文300字 雷鋒作文150字
- ·雪兒作文200字 看電影作文100字
- ·明白作文 荒唐作文700字
- ·南轅北轍作文200字 門其實開着作文700字
- ·呼喚作文450字 憶江南作文400字
- ·生活計劃作文